Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Automobile Drivers Essay

Multi tasking has become common thing in today’s busy world. It is common to find somebody a person typing on the personal computer while taking his or her favorite drink and at the same time making a point to his friend on the other end of the line on the cellphone. This trend has been adopted by many in the current busy world. Many have argued that such an act saves time and allows somebody to accomplish so many asks within a given time. To some it has been a successful adventure but to others it has resulted to serious repercussions. Drivers have also been tempted to multitask while on the wheel, this is one of the most dangerous things to do while on the road. Use of cell phones while driving has become so common such that it attracted lawmakers’ attention as it is a disaster waiting to happen in this country. This habit has been equated to drunken driving which has claimed so many lives and left other serious injured through road accidents which have occurred in the recent past. Use of cell phone while driving is such a dangerous habit which puts the life of those driving and their passengers at risk. It is high time that a law was enacted prohibiting this particular practice before it gets out of hand. (Sturnquist, D 2006 29) Drivers who use the cellular phones either on hands free or handheld are as impaired as those who drive under the influence of alcohol. This was according to a research that was carried out by researchers from the University of Utah. The research showed that the use of hands free is just as distracting as the handheld mobile phones. To address this distraction the study recommended for the outlawing the use of cell phones while on the wheel. Use of the cell phone while driving has been known to cause physical and cognitive distraction on the driver, to start with when the phone rings the driver has to look for the phone, this means that his or her attention will be distracted as he picks the phones to answer the call. By the time the drivers mind hit back on the road an accident may have occurred or he might been forced to slow down to concentrate on the phone resulting into a traffic jam. This causes inconveniences to other road users and at the same time threatens the life of the driver as it is hard to concentrate in two involving tasks at the same time. Drivers who text while driving are even at a greater risk as this activity requires full attention than receiving or making a call. They need to look at different keys so that they can write a comprehensive text, in the course of locating these keys their eyes are off the road oftenly. It only takes a few seconds for a driver to make a mistake and through a flash of second an accident will have occurred. If strict laws were enacted prohibiting the use of short text messaging while the driver is on the road the number of accidents that have been occurring due to such a habit will be minimal. Some cities have put these laws in place and the results have been seen. The number of people driving while texting have decreased and so is the accidents. (Sturnquist, D 2006 30) Talking on the phone while driving is equally dangerous as texting, the driver will first be distracted by the ringing tone as the phone alerts him or her. This distraction can come at a time when the driver was at a point where maximum attention was required. This will drift the drivers’ attention from the road to the phone. To reach for the ringing phone or search for it the eyes will be moved from the road to the direction of the phone. The driver will have to remove one hand from the steering wheel and receive the call. As the conversation begins the drivers attention will be further drifted away to get the details. In such a situation he or she may not be in a position to apply brakes in case a pedestrian is closing the road or an approaching car comes by his side. The driver may also get news which might make him or her excited or greatly disturb. This will lead to loss of concentration as the driver tries to come in to terms with the news. He forgets that he was on the road as the mind tries to solve the current issue. At this point the driver is not in full control of the vehicle. Anything that requires an immediate action will make the driver panic and an accident will have occurred. (McDonald, K 2006 31) The use of cellular phones by automobile drivers is as dangerous as driving under the influence of the alcohol or even performing other tasks such as eating, operating a radio. The policy makers should come up with the strict laws which will restrict such a practice as it the only way through which the road carnage will decrease. Though cellular phones are convenient to use as people can communicate promptly regardless of the distance, it should be used cautiously especially for those who are driving as it might lead to serious repercussions. Whether one is sending a short message, making or receiving a call it equally dangerous as all these activities leads to the distraction of the driver. This distraction might cost one life or lead to the inconveniences of other road users. Prohibiting the use of cellular phones for the drivers might not be taken positively by the cellular service providers and the drivers themselves but it might be the only way through which the government can ensure that road accidents have been reduced. Use of phone while driving should be taken as dangerous driving as it risks the life of the drivers and other passengers as well as other road users. If drunken driving has been prohibited other dangerous habits should be outlawed so as the safety of the road users can be guaranteed. Work Cited McDonald, K Shifting Out of Pack, Lawyers and Judges Publishing (2006) Sturnquist, D Mobile Phones and Driving, Nova Publishers (2006)

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

How Iceland Was Formed Essay

Iceland, situated on top of a hotspot experiences severe volcanic activity one of the most well known eruptions was in 2010 when Eyjafjallajokull erupted seriously disrupting European air traffic. Iceland is situated is situated in the mid Atlantic ridge a seam in the Earth’s surface under the North Atlantic Ocean where the Eurasian and North American plates slide apart. This island has more than 200 volcanoes which is thought to be what created this island. This picture shows that Iceland sits on a constructive plate boundary as the newest parts of the island are right in the middle of the island, in fact, the new parts are in such a way that you could probably make out whereabouts the boundary is in relation to island. This theory is also confirmed by the way that the oldest parts of the island are right on the outside of Iceland. This picture shows where island is in relation to the mid Atlantic ridge and as you can see it is almost right in the middle of it. This picture also shows that the plates are moving away from each other, suggesting that the mid ocean ridge is going to get bigger as time goes on. Which means Iceland could expand a bit as well. This picture shows an aerial picture of a fissure zone in Thingvellir, Iceland, that is a land exposure in the mid Atlantic ridge. To the right of the fissure is the North American plate pulling west away from the Eurasian plate which is to the left of the fissure.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Team Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Team Leadership - Essay Example rspective on how the concepts can be utilized in the workplace in the 21st century to enhanced productivity or how the ideas may receive resistance among the people working in an organization. The first article studied is called Team Leadership2. The article discusses various principles, theory, concepts and viewpoints regarding the internal functioning of a team and the importance of leadership inside a team. One concept of importance mentioned in the literature is the need for teams to work applying coordination. The work of the different team members must be coordinated by the leader in order to achieve the work tasks in an orderly and sequential manner. The leader has to coordinate the work and stay on top of the internal affairs of the team in order to ensure the work of each is aligned so that everyone understands the relationship among each other work and a coordinated effort is applied to achieve the desired team and organizational goals. Coordination takes a higher level of importance in team work of complex and complicated tasks. The team members realize the delicate steps involved in for example a sophisticated high cost experiment that requires precise timing and coordination in each step of the project. A second idea mentioned in the article is the concept of functional leadership. Functional leadership is a model whose emphasis is practical applications of leadership to get things done, irregardless of who in the team is doing the leading within the team unit3. The ideas is greatly accepted among employees since it recognizes the contribution being perform by certain employees with leadership abilities which are do not necessarily hold a management position which are typically associated with leadership abilities. Inside a team function of a small team all member can and should demonstrate leadership in order to ensure the success of the project. The project manager is not the only employee responsible of the success of a project, since a project

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Assignment 1 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 24

1 - Assignment Example American economic growth is, hence, evident due to the rise in per capita income and increased pool for taxation. Obama applauded American troop’s mission in Iraq and Afghanistan for great success. The troops were returning home to serve and help boost Homeland security. The president remarked the growing economy, reducing debts and the nation’s success to a rise from the collapse. He challenged the citizens to commit and support the State in generating more income and creating more employment opportunities. The president explained following as the necessities of a middle-class economy. First, the economy needs to help working families to feel more secure in a transforming world in terms of healthcare provision and general welfare (The White House 1). Secondly, the economy should strive to ensure the citizens maintain earning higher wages through affordable and free education systems. Finally, the economy should generate high-wage jobs that solve the unemployment issues. The state of union, according president Obama’s speech on January 20, is strong. The White House (Office of the Press Secretary). Remarks by the President in State of the Union Address January 20, 2015.web. January 27, 2015.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Pat Conroy Beach music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Pat Conroy Beach music - Essay Example During the course of the story, his character undergoes several changes. The narration takes the reader through the various stages in the author’s life. The first stage is his childhood, which is abnormal because of his alcoholic father and his fake mother. The atmosphere of constant quarrels and tension turns him into a self protective, isolated human being who is rather cold and unable to adequately express his emotions. The second stage his character goes through us escapism and an inability to face up to the guilt he feels that he may have become partly responsible for his wife’s suicide. This leads him to deny having a family and isolates him with his daughter in Rome, for five long years. During the last stage of the story, through the illness of his mother, he is able to finally face up to his inner demons and rediscover his sense of identity and belonging in his family. When the story commences, Jack McCall is intent on fleeing the memories of his wife’s tragic death. He wants to take his daughter away with him to Italy after a custody battle with his in-laws. South Carolina is the place where both he and his wife Shyla had grown up together, but now the place is rife with tragic memories of his wife and unpleasant ones of the custody battle with his in-laws, who blame him for Shyla’s death.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Advertisement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Advertisement - Essay Example The first advertising phase effectively increases the target clients’ knowledge of the products’ benefits. The same advertising pattern is grounded on the understanding that the target clients have prior direct experiences on products’ benefit. The target clients affirm that the main advertisement message is very convincing (cognition phase). The eye drops advertisements target a certain target market. The market is composed of current, future, and prior users of eye drops. The target clients know that eye drops will improve the eyes’ physical condition. Consequently, the target clients will accept (cognize) the advertisement’s message (Shimp & Andrew, 2013). Next, the muscle pain medicine convinces the advertisement viewers that the gel product will alleviate muscle pain. Again, the advertisement targets the current and prior users of muscle pain medicines. The same users are convinced that most muscle pain products successful improve the patients’ muscle pain symptoms. The product targets customers having flu-related symptoms. Most of the patients diagnosed with the same symptoms accept (cognize) the advertisement is truthful, delivering what the company advertises (Shimp & Andrew, 2013). Finally, the arthritis advertisement targets customers who are currently patronizing arthritis and related pain medications. The advertisement easily convinces the arthritis patients that using the product will lessen the painful joint pains generated by arthritis. The target advertisement viewers know that the product will make the product users start living a more pain-absent life. Regarding the efficacy of the product, the target clients have no doubts (Shimp & Andrew, 2013). The second phase focuses adding convincing relevant knowledge to the advertisements’ target clients. The three advertisements contribute additional beneficial knowledge to the target clients. The clients will know that there is a new competing product in the market. The

Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2

Case Study - Essay Example Her mother seemed particularly agitated and anxious because Cherry had â€Å"passed out† during her last episode of vomiting. She complained of severe abdominal pain and feeling hot. She seemed drowsy and lethargic as she was taken into the Emergency department. The nurse on duty made an initial assessment of Cherry in order that she could take better care of her. She found that Cherry had an acetone smell to her breath and inquired if she had taken any drugs or alcohol the previous day, but Cherry denied taking any such thing. She also found that Cherry complained of having pain in all quadrants of her abdomen. Taking into consideration the blood results and reviewing the client history, the physician as well as the nurse concluded that Cherry Honeywell had â€Å"Diabetic ketoacidosis†. Cherry’s mother was visibly shocked and could not believe that her daughter was a diabetic. The reason for concluding that Cherry had a condition called â€Å"Diabetic Ketoacidosis† was because the nurse found the urine containing â€Å"ketones†. The nurse was very vigilant in informing the doctor of Cherry’s condition because such a condition if left untreated immediately could lead to coma and death. It is still a mystery as to the actual cause of diabetes, but the Medical Fraternity believe that environmental factors and genetics like obesity and lack of exercise play major roles. In fact most people are not even aware that they have diabetes. In this test a person’s blood glucose level is checked after a fast and two hours after drinking a glucose rich beverage. If the blood glucose level is between 140 and 199 mg/dl then the person has pre-diabetes. If the blood sugar level is above 200 mg/dl then the person is suffering from diabetes. To prepare the patient for an IV Cannula, the nurse rubs Emla cream on Cherry’s hands. The IV Therapy commenced by giving her 1000ml of Normal Saline at 0345 hours

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Answer the questions related to fundamentals of finance Research Paper

Answer the questions related to fundamentals of finance - Research Paper Example For example, a company which is forced to delay investments to achieve earning target is trapped in short term vision. This tension can be described as a disturbance in equilibrium of maintaining balance between profitability & earning and growth & development of a firm. For example, a company focused on boosting high margin by reducing costs may also have to compromise on research and development or other investment on technological advancement. This may result in loosing profitability in long term to competitor. This tension can be described as a disturbance in equilibrium of maintaining balance between creating companywide benefits and utilizing individual potential of the units to the optimum level. One example of a firm trapped in such tension can be an organization which is swinging its operation between centralization and decentralization of its operations. The purpose of the Financial Statements is to provide information about the financial position, performance and comparative financial trend of the firm to various stakeholders in order to facilitate them in economic decision making. Internal financial statement, however, is prepared for internal management and managers. It facilitates them in financial analysis and making business decisions. Whereas, financial statements intended for public is used for external stakeholders such as investors, shareholders and regulators etc. The fundamental difference between the two is that financial statements for the public is standardized and regulated by the authorities and regulatory body. It has to comply with minimum international and local accounting standard. Furthermore, the public statement is required to be audited and endorsed by the external auditors. On the other hand, there are not strict regulatory standards for internal statements and are used for internal decision making. It is purpose driven and can be

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

An Employee Refusal to Work Overtime Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

An Employee Refusal to Work Overtime - Case Study Example In this case a company has increased the number of working hours of an employee named Gryzmisk to six hours and he has refused to accept the increase in hours and in turn the supervisor has sanctioned him to a 1 day suspension. The acceptance and rejection of the offer of increase in hours of work is dependent on mutual agreement between the employer and the employee. The employee has obtained assistance from the union and the union is backing him up in this case. During the negotiations between the union and the company the company has said that the increase in number of hours cannot be changed because it is for a specific period of time. As an arbitrator I would have provided a solution that is best in the interest of the company as well as the employee. First I would have negotiated with the employee that the extra hours are essential for the growth of the company and in turn it would even benefit the employee in the long run as these extra hours would add to the productivity of the organization and would help in the growth of the organization which will eventually help the employee. On the other hand I would have negotiated with the employers for additional benefits in the short run and in the long run for the employee. In the short run I would have asked the employers to not only pay the per hour rate to the employee, I would have asked the employer to increase the per hour rate for each extra hour worked by the employee. Secondly, I would have asked the employers to provide him certain bonus or promotion.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

CASE 1 HRM 402 - TD - Determining Training and Development Essay

CASE 1 HRM 402 - TD - Determining Training and Development - Essay Example hould be taught to achieve optimal performance.† The job or task will be analyzed which includes the requirements for performing the task by specifying the main duties or level of the skills needed. When conducting the task analysis, the following should be evaluated: performance of task, frequency of task performed, importance of each task, knowledge needed to perform the task, difficulty of the task and trainings available for each task. It is very important to organize the task in sequence or by importance. The employee should be observed while performing the task and the observation should be documented properly. The performance of the employee should be evaluated based on the job description such as taking note if the employee missed important part of the task or deviated from what are listed on the job description. It is important to check if there are differences between the top and bottom performers. This would lead to the question of what are the suitable trainings needed to improve productivity and overall performance of the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Starbucks Marketing Strategy Essay Example for Free

Starbucks Marketing Strategy Essay If there is one company that should have failed in China, it would be Starbucks. China has thousands of years of history drinking tea and a strong culture associated with it. No one could have guessed that Chinese would ever drink coffee instead of tea. Yet, Starbucks has successfully opened more than 570 stores in 48 cities since it first entered China twelve years ago. Building on this momentum, it plans to open 1,500 stores by 2015. What did the Seattle-based coffee company do right in China? Here are five lessons from Starbucks’s success. A)Think Different When Starbucks entered China in 1999, many were sceptical that Starbucks had a chance. Given the fact that Chinese people have traditionally favoured tea, it seemed impossible that Starbucks would be able to break into this market. However, Starbucks did not let this scepticism stop it. A careful market study revealed that as the Chinese middle class emerged, there existed an opportunity for Starbucks to introduce a Western coffee experience, where people could meet with their friends while drinking their favourite beverages. Starbucks literally created that demand. Now you can find a Starbucks almost on every major street of the coastal cities in China. Even my 90-year old father in China began to tell me how he drank coffee after meals, rather than tea, to help his digestion. Starbucks has revolutionized how Chinese view and drink coffee. B)Position Smart Once Starbucks decided to enter China, it implemented a smart market entry strategy. It did not use any advertising and promotions that could be perceived by the Chinese as a threat to their tea-drinking culture. Instead, it focused on selecting high-visibility and high-traffic locations to project its brand image. The next thing Starbucks did was to capitalize on the tea-drinking culture of Chinese consumers by introducing beverages using popular local ingredients such as green tea. This strategy has effectively turned potential obstacles into Starbucks’ favour. Chinese consumers quickly developed a taste for Starbucks’ coffee, which was essential to Starbucks’ success in China. One of Starbucks’ key marketing strategies is to provide customers with an exceptional experience. The chic interior, comfortable lounge chairs, and upbeat music are not only differentiators that set Starbucks apart from the competition, but also have strong appeal to younger generations who fantasize about Western coffee culture as a symbol of modern lifestyle. Many go to Starbucks not just for a cup of Frappuccino, but also for the â€Å"Starbucks Experience† that makes them feel cool and trendy. Thus, Starbucks has established itself as an aspiration brand and is able to charge premium prices. C)Brand Global Starbucks understands the value of its global brand and has taken steps to maintain brand integrity. One of Starbucks’ best practices is to send their best baristas from established markets to new markets and train new employees. These baristas act as brand ambassadors to help establish the Starbucks culture in new locations and ensure that service at each local store meets their global standards. Western brands in general have a reputation for quality products and services. They have a competitive advantage over Chinese companies in establishing themselves as premium brands. However, as Shaun Rein, founder and managing director of China Market Research Group, pointed out, too many Western brands push for market share by cutting prices, which is a losing strategy because they can never â€Å"out-cut† local Chinese competitors. Global brand does not mean â€Å"global products,† or â€Å"global platform† as eBay mistakenly tried. Starbucks has highly localized menu of beverages that is particularly tailored to Chinese consumers. It has done an extensive consumer taste profile analysis to create a unique â€Å"East meets West† blend. It even gives each store the flexibility to choose from a wide variety of its beverage portfolio that fits the customers at its particular location. It is critical for global brands to adapt their businesses to local markets in order to succeed in China, and Starbucks has done just that. D)Partner Local China is not one homogeneous market. There are many Chinas. The culture from northern China is very different from that of the east. Consumer spending power inland is not on par with that in coastal cities. To address this complexity of the Chinese market, Starbucks partnered with three regional partners as part of its expansion plans. In the north, Starbucks entered a joint-venture with Beijing Mei Da coffee company. In the east, Starbucks partnered with the Taiwan-based Uni-President. In the south, Starbucks worked with Hong Kong-based Maxim’s Caterers. Each partner brings different strengths and local expertise that helped Starbucks gain insights into the tastes and preferences of local Chinese consumers. Working with right partners can be an effective way to reach local customers and expand quickly without going through a significant learning curve. E)Commit Long Term China is not an easy market to crack. It requires a long term commitment. An important strategy is to invest in employees. When I visited a Starbucks store in Shanghai back in 2007, I was impressed by the cheerful greetings of Chinese baristas, which set Starbucks apart from copycats. Starbucks has done an excellent job in recruiting and training its employees. This is a win-win strategy because employees are at the heart of delivering the â€Å"Starbucks Experience† to customers. They are the best marketing ambassadors for the company. Long term commitment also means patience. It takes time to educate the market and gain customer loyalty. The companies that invest in long term plans can be sure to reap handsome rewards. If Starbucks can succeed in a most unlikely-to-succeed market, there is no reason that any other company, large or small, cannot succeed in China. The ability to think differently, do your homework, implement right strategies, adapt to local markets, and commit long term are all important steps to achieve that goal.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Discuss The Relationship Between Law And Society Law Essay

Discuss The Relationship Between Law And Society Law Essay Law and society are related to each other. Nothing can explain without any of them. Society becomes the jungle without the law. Law also needs to be changed according to the changes the society faces, because without the necessary changes law cannot keep pace with society. Without the control of the law, the society became the jungle or at least barbaric. So, to keep the society peaceful, we need to create a harmonious relationship between law and society. We can take an example of our country, where everyday we watch so many crimes. But due to lack of evidence the criminal is set free or there are too little penalty, that law breakers did not care about it. Just the example we can see few cases of eve teasing. In early January this year, police found 13-year-old Nashfia Akand Pinky, a class nine student, hanging from a ceiling fan in the citys West Agargaon area. According to her parents, 35-year-old Murad, a driver by profession, would harass Pinky on a regular basis in the streets. Fifteen days before Pinky killed herself, Murads mother along with his grandmother had gone to Pinkys house with a marriage proposal on Murads behalf. Pinkys parents had, obviously, declined the proposal. Murad and his family are currently absconding.  [1]   Eighteen-year-old Reshma Khatun, a class 12 student of Salpa Technical School, took pesticides and killed herself on March 7, 2010 in Shanti Nagar village at the Sherpur upazila. She would be harassed on her way to school by her neighbour 24-year-old Munaf and his friend Robin. For a long time, Reshma had to stay silent while enduring the mental torture every day before she decided to end her life. The perpetrator in this case is also absconding.  [2]   On March 20, 2010, 15-year-old Chand Moni committed suicide by hanging herself from a ceiling fan at her house in Kishoreganj. A student of class 9 at the Azimuddin High School, Chand Moni used to be harassed on her way to school by 20-year-old Alam and his friends 21-year-old Abdur Rahman, 20-year-old Saddam Hossain and 23-year-old Russel Mia. Alams mother and aunts would also pressurise Monis parents to marry their underage daughter off to Alam, to which the parents would always decline. A few days before killing herself, Alam and his accomplices had barged into Monis house and threatened to kidnap Moni if the parents had rejected his proposal. So, little Moni decides to end her then marry Alam. After the incidents, Alam and his family are absconding.  [3]   Fourteen-year-old Umme Kulsum Elora ended her life on April 3, 2010, by taking pesticides in her house in Madhya Nandipara. A class eight student of Dakkhin Banasri Model High School in the capital, Elora had been harassed by 19-year-old Rezaul Karim and his friends for over a year. Elora ended her life by swallowing pesticides in their house at around 3:00pm. In the primary interrogation, Rezaul claimed that he had a relationship with Elora. However, when Elora was alive, Rezaul and his friends would often disturb her over the phone. Elora would go to school in a van with other children. But as the harassment got intolerable, Eloras mother Halima would take her daughter to school herself for over a month and a half. Her mother says that her husband Amin Mollah and herself had even taken the issue up with Rezauls parents, but that does not solve the problem and in the end Elora ended her life by swallowing pesticides.  [4]   The wrongdoer set free because there is no strong law against the eve teasing. The law against eve teasing in Bangladesh is given in Article 76 of the Dhaka Metropolitan Police Ordinance 1976 and Article 509 of the Penal Code of 1860 affirm that any acts, conducts, or verbal abuses that are used to disgrace women are punishable by law. Article number 10(2) of the Prevention of Women and Children Repression Act 2000 mildly addressed eve-teasing. However, that section of the law was eliminated in 2003, through amendment and justified it on the ground of manipulation of the law. In its place, a new provision has been added under Article 9 of the present law that says that if a woman is forced to commit suicide as a direct consequence of somebodys willful dishonor/sexual harassment/assault, then the guilty person will be liable to a maximum of ten years and a minimum of five years of imprisonment. But this is not strong law, because the girl who committed suicide because of teasing then it is just like a murder. It cannot be stopped unless strong law is passed and implemented.  [5]   What is Law: Law is the command of the Sovereign. Law must flow from a determinate person or group of persons with the threat of displeasure, if it is not obeyed. As we know, Sovereignty is a only part of the state. So, we can say that Law is used to denote rules of conduct emanated from and enforced by the state. According to Holland, Law is a rule of external human action enforced by the sovereign political authority.  [6]   According to Salmond, Law is the body of principles recognized and applied by the State in the administration of justice  [7]   According to Woodrow Wilson,Law is that portion of the established habit and thought of mankind which has gained distinct and formal recognition in the shape of uniform rules backed by the authority and power of the government.  [8]   According to Anson, The objects of Law is Order, and the result of Order is that men are enables to look ahead with some sort of security as to the future. Although human action cannot be reduced to the uniformities of nature, men endeavored to reproduce by Law something approaching to this uniformity.  [9]   So we can say that law must have three characteristics which are given below: Law has its sovereign authority, Law is accompanied by sanctions, The command of law should compel a course of conduct. Being a command the law must flow from a determinate person or group of persons with the threat of displeasure, if it is not obeyed.  [10]   What is Society: A community or a group of persons, living in any region, who are united by some common bond, is known as society.  [11]  A society is a group of people related to each other through persistent relations such as social status, roles and social networks. They also share the same geographical territory and subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations.  [12]  Common bond is some kind of uniformity of factors like nature of the people, habit, custom, beliefs, culture, etc. This common bond helps the members of the society to form the rules of social behavior. The punishment of disobeying the social rules is come from in the form of social disapproval. The punishments are generally excommunication or ostracism.  [13]   Relationship between Law and Society: Theorists have traditionally maintained that there are certain broad on the substantive criminal law. One set of such constraints concerns the sorts of behavior that may legitimately be prohibited. Is it proper, for example, to criminalize a certain kind of action on the grounds that most people in ones society regard it as immoral? The other set of constraints which concern what is needed in order to establish criminal responsibility that is liability, independently of the content of the particular statute whose violation is in question.  [14]   Legal system reflects all the energy of life within in any society. Law has the complex vitality of a living organism. We can say that law is a social science characterized by movement and adaptation. Rules are neither created nor applied in a vacuum, on the other hand they created and used time and again for a purpose. Rules are intended to move us in a certain direction that we assume is good, or prohibit movement in direction that we believe is bad.  [15]   The social rules are made by the members of the society. Disobedience of the social rules is followed by punishment of social disapproval. There is no positive penalty associated with the violation of rules except excommunication or ostracism. On the other hand, Law is enforced by the state. The objective of law is to bring order in the society so the members of society can progress and develop with some sort of security regarding the future.  [16]   The state makes laws. Disobedience of state laws cause penalty, which is enforced by the Government by the power of the state. Which is not enforceable is not Law.  [17]   Change of Law and Change of Social Roles: The legal system of a country reflects the rules of society. If there is a change social rules then we can say that a change in social law just occurs. Law can be changed due to social condition of any country. Many people know the revolution 1990 of Bangladesh, which is take place due to political unrest of the country. When Bangladesh Nationalist Party forms the government they change the law and under the new law lead to the parliamentary democracy in the country. Recently acid violence, eve teasing, domestic violence took place due insufficient laws. The penalty of eve teasing is light that many people did not take the penalty seriously. The penalty of eve teasing is given in Article 76 of the Dhaka Metropolitan Police Ordinance 1976 and Article 509 of the Penal Code of 1860 affirm that any acts, conducts, or verbal abuses that are used to disgrace women are punishable by law. Article number 10(2) of the Prevention of Women and Children Repression Act 2000 mildly addressed eve-teasing. However, that section of the law was eliminated in 2003, through amendment and justified it on the ground of manipulation of the law. In its place, a new provision has been added under Article 9 of the present law that says that if a woman is forced to commit suicide as a direct consequence of somebodys willful dishonor/sexual harassment/assault, then the guilty person will be liable to a maximum of ten years and a minimum of five years of imprisonment. This la w is so light in terms of death of a innocent girl. The criminal dare breach the law this no strong law, if the law is death penalty, to force a suicide then criminal would think twice to breach law. As we know, the acid violence is major problem I our country. Few years ago it becomes like epidemic. Now acid violence is go down due to the strong law which is death penalty. Section 4 of the Acid Crime Act, 2002 prescribes death penalty or rigorous imprisonment for life including fine taka not more than one lakh if any body causes death or makes an attempt to cause death to any child or woman by using any burning substance, e.g., acid. The law also states that, import, production, storage, sale or usage of acid without a license is a punishable offence. But the mechanisms prevalent to regulate importation, preparation and sale of the acid used in these attacks are inadequate. However, the Acid control Act, 2002, provides for the formation of a national council to control the selling use, production, import, transportation and storing of acid.  [18]   The law is hard that everyone obey the law regarding the acid violence which causes less acid related crime. Every person loves their own life. Conclution: Legal system reflects all the energy of life within in any society. Law has the complex vitality of a living organism. We can say that law is a social science characterized by movement and adaptation. Rules are neither created nor applied in a vacuum, on the other hand they created and used time and again for a purpose. Rules are intended to move us in a certain direction that we assume is good, or prohibit movement in direction that we believe is bad.  [19]  So, we can say that rules had to be change according to the roles of the society. Law also reflects the society. Such as, in Saudi Arabia law are based on Quran and Sunnah. In Bangladesh property act, marriage act and many other act based on the Quran and Sunnah. Also when emergency arise, then according to the social condition the law is also changed by the Government. So, we can say that, the relationship between law and society are interrelated.

Hinduism and Buddhism

Hinduism and Buddhism Concepts of karma and dharma are central to both Hinduism and Buddhism, and each has its own concept of liberation-moksa for Hinduism and nirvana for Buddhism. Yet within both traditions there are many different understandings of these concepts. This essay has three sections. First compare two different Hindu interpretations of moksha. Then compare two different Buddhist understandings of nirvana. Finally, briefly compare and contrast the Hindu approaches with the Buddhist approaches. There are two major influential religions in Asia that are spreading quickly all over the world. They are Hinduism and Buddhism. There is a misconception that surrounds these two words, moksha and nirvana, they are not the same even though the two concepts may appear similar. In the following essay I will distinguish the different understandings and interpretations of these two concepts and then I will compare and contrast the differences and the similarities. The concept of moksha in Hinduism and the concept of nirvana in Buddhism are the central focus of these two religions. Both of these concepts have their different ways of achieving their goal and they have differences. I willwrite two different interpretations of moksha in Hinduism and the approaches of two philosophical schools that emerged to teach the approach of how moksa can be attained. I will do the same for nirvana in Buddhism, going into details of different understanding of this concept and I will conclude with analyz ing the similarities and contrasts of these concepts which are followed in the same street, just are located in opposing sidewalks. Moksa itself in Sanskrit language means release and its meaning is to be liberated from the cycles of sansara, reincarnation, and the pains and the suffering of karma by achieving immortality through eternal truth. Different Hindu philosophies schools emerged in India, each with the interpreting their own understanding of moksha. One of these philosophic schools was Vedanta which was divided in different sub schools with each of their own interpretations of moksha. One of those is Shankars Advaita Vedanta School where they perceive that moksha can be acquired only when the human soul realizes that it is one being with the Brahman. According to them, a person can only achieve moksha when he realizes the truth in himself that his soul is part of Brahman and Brahman is part of his soul, or atman as they name it, and once this dualistic approach has been acknowledged then the person has achieved his true form,he has been enlighten and has broken free from the cycle of reincarnation, sans ara. The only way a person can do this is by self effort. On the other hand, Ramanujas Vishishtadvaita Vedanta School promoted another approach to achieve moksha. They followed another direction which is worshipping the god Vishnu. Their theistic approach taught people that by recognizing the soul, matter, and God, anyone can obtain mokshaby an easier way which connects people on a personal level with the Supreme Being. Nirvana in Buddhism is understood as the end of suffering. There is not a clear definition of nirvana as it can be understood in many different ways but it is the highest spiritual achievement which dissolves pains, anger, greed, desire and all forms that create suffering. In Buddhism three major central schools emerged to teach the way of enlightenment, and those were Vajrayana, Mahayana, and Theravada but I will focus on the last two doctrines. Theravada doctrine emphasises on the understanding of nirvana can be reached when the person realises the true nature of reality and has an awakening of itself. These people are called arahants. This can be achieved through many lifetime spiritual persuasions of enlightenment where the person has broken off from the cycles of rebirth, and has became a Buddha, a bodhi which has the same meaning as nirvana, the enlighten. Mahayana doctrine on the other hand has developed another understanding of nirvana. They believe that Buddha is not just a human figure but a supreme being that we cannot even perceive of its greatness and helps us achieve nirvana. This means that we are still subject to delusion even though nirvana has been attained, instead bodhi has a higher rank in spiritual achievement and once bodhi has been attained, a person can become Buddha. In Hinduism the concept of reincarnation refers to an eternal element that travels from one life to another. This element takes different forms and shapes of different living things among its eternal life. This is the soul, or the atman as it is called in Hinduism. In contrast, Buddhism has the concept of rebirth which is the continuation of the state of mind in a different human being but not its soul since its explanation is that a lot spiritual events had to happen to create the second life form and yet not a different person due to the causality relation. Thus we can see the difference clearly of Nirvana where there is the realization accomplishment of the discontinuance of individuality and Moksha is the fulfillment acquisition of the truth of the affinity of your soul, atman, and Brahman. In both cases, individuality is lost but in different understanding and interpretations. Both religions have a lot of terminology and even names of deities in common, but in every single case, the meaning is actually different both believe in reincarnation/rebirth, but the interpretation is different; both believe in karma, but the interpretation is slightly different; both believe in samsara (the cycle of rebirth and suffering) and liberation from samsara (moksha/nirvana), but the interpretation is widely different, about liberation; both have yoga, tantra, dharma, mantra, and so on, but often mean different things with the words; the significance of gods or deities is grossly different in Hinduism several of them are important objects of veneration, even seen as emanations of the supreme God (Brahman), whereas they are never objects of veneration or prayer in Buddhism, only seen as deluded sentient beings who will finally die and be reborn in a new body like you and me. They strive for an inner peace, and finally to reach heaven through either moksha or nirvana.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Hidden Meaning of Shakespeares Othello :: GCSE English Literature Coursework

The play Othello is a tale of jealousy, revenge, and deception. Iago, a disgruntled military officer, in a quest for revenge against Othello, lies, cheats, and bullys everyone around in order to get what he wants. He uses Roderigo, Brabantio, and just about every other character in the play to attain his goal of ruining Othello. This summary is what the play might seem like to the unseeing eye, but to the indepth and trained reader there is more to the story then first appears. To truly understand Othello, or any play for that matter, you have to think about what happened before the play that brought about the situations you read. You have to think about the relationships that existed betweeen all the characters. You have to imagine Roderigos passion for Desdemona, picture Brabantios contempt for Othello, envision the jealousy and distrust that existed between Desdemona and Othello before Iago arrived on the scene. All of those factors were there before Iago put his scheme into action, he didnÕt create the natural tension between all the players. He merely made all of those already dangerous relationships fatal. IÕm not saying that Iago was not at fault in Othello, IÕm just saying that he didnÕt create the scenario, he just ignited it. One of the main factors in Othello is Roderigo, Iagos half witted right hand man. Roderigo is the person who supplies Iago with money, and is also the person who at the end of the book tries to murder Cassio. The reason that he tries to murder Cassio is because Iago convinces him that Cassio is Desdemonas adulterous lover. The reason this angers Roderigo to the point of murder is because he is in love with Desdemona. His desperate and imagined passion for Othellos wife is what ultimately drives him to kill another human being. It may seem at first that Iago made him act how he acted, but his motivation was actually his love for Desdemona. Iago did not ceate Roderigos love for Desdemona, he merely channeled it. You learn of Roderigos love for Desdemona in the first act of the first scene, when Brabantio(Desdemonas father) sees Roderigo outside of his window. The worser welcome. I have charged thee not to haunt about my doors. In honest plainness thou hast heard me say My daughter is not for thee.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Suburbia: Inappropriate Growing Environment :: Suburbs Education Learning Essays

Suburbia: Inappropriate Growing Environment There's a reason people go to school in their youth rather than after they get older. It's because the childhood years are the ones during which the potential for learning is the greatest. Youths' impressionable minds have far less trouble picking up important concepts like mathematics and grammar than do adults'--in fact, young minds seem oftentimes to learn automatically or accidentally. It stands to reason, therefore, that adults should take advantage of that impressionability to educate the leaders of the future in areas such as art, basic economy, and interpersonal behavior while their chances of learning are still so great. In a world and a time where the quest to become a functional and productive member of society is such a difficult one and so rarely completed, one can't help feeling that it's absolutely imperative that those in charge of raising the next generation ensure that they do so under the best possible circumstances: that is, in a living environment conducive to intellectual and emotional challenge and growth. However, such is clearly not always the case. As a place to develop and mature, one of the worst locales in America--and possibly the most misjudged--is suburbia. A vast wasteland of dressed-up emptiness, the typical suburban town promises an idyll it could never truly hope to deliver. An attempt at compromise between the country and the city, it instead combines the worst aspects of both. And as we shall see, children who grow up in this abyss will find their social lives constantly lacking and their cultural needs rarely met. The causes of these shortcomings of the suburban town are firmly rooted in its geographical and political structure, as well as in the attitudes of many suburban adults. Geography "The suburbs represent the triumph of accessibility over proximity," writes Harlan Paul Douglass in his 1920s book The Suburban Trend (187). Douglass is writing to defend his home--in his own words, an "apologia for suburban life"--but he appears sadly unaware of the sinister truth to his statement (v). Indeed, some semblance of indiscriminate accessibility is a reality in the suburbs--for people of means. That is to say, people who can drive, or who live near public transportation routes. Children tend not to fall into either of these categories. On the one hand, most are too young to get driver’s licenses or too poor to pay for a car and auto insurance. On the other, even those who live within walking distance of mass transit systems may find its cost prohibitive, or else their parents may forbid them to use it for fear of what kind of people they'll meet.

Lessons Learned in Kate O’Brien’s Land of Spices Essay -- Land Spices

Lessons Learned in Kate O’Brien’s Land of Spices Kate O’Brien’s Land of Spices is a good read especially if the bookworm is from a catholic school upbringing. The story’s contents complete with the antics of the girls and the lack of patience in the sisters is recognizable from memories drawn on similar events. The nuns’ softer emotions were hidden away from the students and only their hard-heartedness evident in the school’s classrooms. In sixth grade during the fall of 1963 after President Kennedy was shot and killed in Dallas, Texas, a Dominican sister was seen at school with tears in her eyes. At this moment the realization descended upon the enrolled that there was flesh and blood under that habit and not an alien being. O’Brien addresses Catholicism, homosexuality and love in her novel with creativity and realism for the times. On a negative note, the liberal use of the French language is a reminder that this book was written with the rich and cultured person in mind and become s aggravating to this unenlightened one. In reading the excerpt from The Land of Spices by Kate O’Brien contained in â€Å"The Penguin Book of Irish Literature†, this reader is at once aware of the descriptive words with which Helen (the eventual Reverend Mother of the novel) depicts her father, Henry Archer. She presents him in the passage as a man who is â€Å"very beautiful†¦different from other men†¦with curly, silky hair and eyes that shone like stars† and goes on further to say that â€Å"his face grew more beautiful as one drew nearer to it†. 1[1] Perhaps, this feminine portrayal is a less than subtle hint into Henry Archer’s being for in revealing him as a man with a feminine countenance and inevitably finding him locked in a loving embrace... ...ontrol to temperance to love. Despite the rocky relationship between Helen and her father she inadvertently learned patience from him as he continues to love her despite her attitude and she in turn awaits Anna’s realization of her interest and love. Helen and Anna learn temperance in their everyday dealings with Mother Mary Andrew. The greatest lessons are those of dedication and commitment as Helen in the role of Reverend Mother becomes the best nun she can be despite a decision made under duress. Notes: [1] From The Penguin Book of Irish Fiction p. 475. [2] From The Penguin Book of Irish Fiction p. 475. [3] From The Penguin Book of Irish Literature p.485. [4] O’Brien, Kate. The Land of Spices, p.20. [5] O’Brien, Kate. The Land of Spices, p.252. [6] O’Brien, Kate. The Land of Spices, p104. [7] O’Brien, Kate. The Land of Spices, p. 110.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

A V R Essay

Appearance vs. reality explores how the more persistent illusion will triumph over what the individual want to be true. While reality is persistent, appearance it is less convincing as it based upon the fragile network of an individual’s values, expectation and deepest desires. Pleasantville (1998) directed by Gary Ross examines this idea through the protagonist who escapes his troubles and unforgiving reality to Pleasantville; a fake world that reflects his utopic vision and 1950’s American society.Similarly Robert Frost’s poem â€Å"Birches† shows no matter how hard he tries to escape his reality to a better illusion he was made for himself, reality is persistent and will always bring him back. In Pleasantville the idea that reality will triumph over appearances is shown by David’s negative view of his family and yearning for the family he sees in Pleasantville.. The appearance that David sees in Pleasantville is peace, calm, relaxing and great bu t in his reality it is the opposite of Pleasantville as he has difficult problems with his family.This is shown by of contrast of the perfect family living the American Dream in Pleasantville compared to David’s own family. The montage of shots of all the members of Bud’s family in Pleasantville contrasts heavily to the empty and wide shot of David and just his mother, emphasising how his family is so different from his ideal family on Pleasantville. Although David wants to become part of Bud’s family, he realises this is just an illusion based on his desires.This is clear when he realises Bud’s family isn’t as perfect as it seems through the uncomfortableness he feels with the repetition of the word â€Å"swell† to describe what he thinks is good and returns to his persistent illusion of his real family, his mother. Reality is shown to be the more persistent illusion through the corruption of values in Pleasantville. Jennifer instigates the corruption of Pleasantville by bringing in values and practices of her reality to the untainted illusion of Pleasantville.When Jennifer has sexual intercourse with skip on Lover’s Lane, there is a change in the scenery shown in the close up shot of the grey rose turning into a bright red. The previous monotone colours represent†¦. And the red represents†¦.. This shown that reality is more persistant than the illusion of appearance as†¦. FILL IT IN! Another example is shown through when Betty sees Mr. Johnson for the first time and she starts to feel different from seeing him. The technique that is used is contrast of colour and grey background. The wife changes as she ealise her true feelings, and it is this persistent emotion that overcomes her role as the faithful wife in the American Dream. This shows the wife is being seeing her true feeling and her true reality from Mr. Johnson, ultimately breaking the illusion of appearances . Similarly, in Frost’ s â€Å"Birches†, reality is illustrated as persistent reality that will triumph over any illusions of appearances but does this through the poet who reminisces about his childhood past with the birches tree. The poet feels a strong connection with the illusion he has made of the birches as a sentimental figure of his past time.He does this by portraying birches during the autumn time as †like girls on hands and knees who throw their hair before them†¦ to dry in the sun†. The personification combined with simile to reinforces the illusion the poet has created from his expectations and desires. However,. reality attempts to bring the poet back from his constructed illusion that has been â€Å"shattered and avalanched†¦. [reduced to] broken glass to sweep away†. This is emphasised by the â€Å"black† branches surrounding the â€Å"snow white trunk†.The black branches symbolise the persistent illusion of reality trying to bring him back to what is more real surrounding the white trunk that symbolises the dying purity and untainted illusion he has created of the birches, showing that reality is more persistent than appearances. Unlike Pleasantville, where David does not want to return to the persistent callings of his reality , the poet in â€Å"Birches† realises that although he can visit his â€Å"heaven† using his childhood memory of the birches, he would â€Å"then come back to it [earth] and begin all over†.The nostalgic tone emphasises that he cannot go back to his illusion of appearances as he recognises the reality is more persistent. Through the close study of the Ross’s â€Å"Pleasantville† and Frost’s â€Å"Birches† it is clear that reality is more persistent than appearances. Pleasantville shows the corruption of values and the perfect family based on the American dreams to shows how reality will triumph over appearances similarly â€Å"Birches† us es the poet reminisces that frost can visit his appearance but when he returns to his reality he understands that reality is the more persistent one.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Effect of Rmb Internationalization

Effects on chinaware Advantages Enterprises in china Enterprises in mainland china whitethorn benefit a lot from the multinationalisation of Renmibi. initiatory of all, the bell of capital flip can be saved and the jeopardize of substitute rate of using of early(a) currencies can be loadd, if Renminbi become a trade settlement. Also, RMB as an investment currency, if unusual assets ontogenyd crave of it , china can tame the interest rates of RMB assets, at that placeby diminution their fiscal support costs, and further, companies can go overseas to issue RMB-denominated bonds, thereby expanding the image of financing and address the problem of currency mismatch.Further more, house servant firms can use the RMB to invest abroad, to discover Chinese bring downprises going out strategy, consolidation into the global economy. populations majority rule of China China whitethorn overtake hold of quite a lot of advantages from it too. First, it whitethorn e nhance the planetary status of China through externalization of Renminbi by change magnitude Chinas voice in the international partnership and the influence of China in international economy, as the internationalization of its currency may promote the expansion of Chinas fiscal service sector.Also, China may collect seignioragefrom the rest of world, which seigniorage defined as the margin between the denomination of the notes and the cost of issuing the notes obtained by the note issuer, if RMB get commodity pricing, which can use it to deprave the worldwide resources and avoid U. S. sawbuck liquid state constraints, that pop offs to expansion of seigniorage revenue. More, China has accumulated exotic exchange reserves to ease the pressure, reduce the risk of reserve assets shrink, reducing the dependency of other countries (mainly U. S. ). Chinas remote exchange reserves, by and large are U. S. overnment bonds, which makes China and U. S. in a delicate state. Aft er global financial crisis , the Chinese foreign exchange reserves shrink every moments, and China is not found in other better investment options, holding dollar debt is the best choice for China at this moment. Financial organizations The financial organization may also take advantages through RMB internationalization. First, the merchandise and export trade companies for RMB bequeath modify services and financing for foreign importers to provide support to the RMB business so as to expand the domain of commercial slangs and to change magnitude the profits of commercial banks.Furthermore, The existence of economies of scope to mitigate the competitiveness of financial institutions, and the increase use of offshore yuan to improve mart liquidity, more importantly, the central bank can protect the lender of give way resort to provide liquidity for financial institutions to protect, Chinese financial institutions to reduce foreign exchange liquidity risk, which together with the economies of scope to improve the overseas Chinese financial institutions to conduct renminbi business competitiveness.Also, RMB overseas demand also contributed to the innovation of financial instruments and the breeding of renminbi derivatives market. Last nut not the least, it may benefit from increasing the influence of Chinas financial markets, and promote international financial spirit , like Shanghai, as well as an offshore financial center, Hong Kong, the development of renminbi, the Chinese financial markets and further integrate into the international financial markets. Disadvantages chinaware governmentThe PRC government , however, still has to face about challenges in order to achieve RMB internationalization. First of all, as Chinas crownwork markets are still too shallow, whatsoever significant changes in cross-border capital flows may good lead to large fluctuations in Chinas asset prices. overseas demand challenges the RMB of Chinas monetary form _or_ system of government , temporary hookup people who holds the RMB assets may cause the increase of cross-border capital flows and exchange rate fluctuations, and then affects the stability of Chinas financial system.Also, if a currency is fully internationalized, which means that it can easily be obtained in international financial markets, the country with an internationalized currency will be very vulnerable to speculative attacks from international speculators. More, hot money will enter China causing economic crisis. As Hot money will lead to economic crisis in Chinas property market and the stock market, as investors consider more to invest their money in high-return business. manage Guangzhou Tang Hang Metal Materials Co. , Ltd. eferred wages for imported goods in China so as to profit from the appreciation of the renminbi. Experts state that Chinas foreign exchange regulations, the RMB settlement may make this form of arbitrage is more profitable, because the company can e njoy a more favorable foreign exchange rate. According to the monetary policy describe from the central bank( page 16), China was nerve-wracking to fix the problem of hot money. , 2010 ? 11 ,2011 ? 3 , ?2011 From second gear quarter of the monetary policy continue from Peoples bank of China Last but not the least, it is more difficult for China to control the inflation rate. Chinas battle to carry inflation even more difficult, because People Bank of China must sucker more RMB to buy dollars flowing into the country. China has more than 6% inflation. And Beijing pauperization to precisely control the level to find out the appreciation of the yuan revaluation, but the internationalization of the RMB has given tremendous upward pressure.Brookings instauration China scholar Prasad (Eswar Prasad) said that the focal point and increase appreciation of the RMB yuan in international trade and financial proceeding of the importance, both in the short destination this i s a contradiction. According to the monetary policy report from the central bank, (page 1 ), there is still pressure in lordly the amount of RMB. , , 5 ,M2 M1 4. 6 8. 5 6 , ,M2 M1 0. 8 0. 4 , .. From Second quarter of the monetary policy report from Peoples bank of China

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Bcom275 Legalization of Marijuana

Bcom275 Legalization of Marijuana

Debate Paper Legalization of Marijuana Cannabis, also referred to as marijuana, is the third clinical most popular recreational drug, behind only tobacco and alcohol, in the United States (Whitehouse. gov, 2013). Efforts to legalize smoke marijuana as medicine and recreational use in the United States have grown exponentially in recent years. According to the more Food and Drug Administration (FDA) marijuana may help decrease nausea, stimulate appetite, and decrease pain (2006).So many women and men talk about Marijuana like its not a medication.Overall, 6. 9 percent, or 17. million, of the United States population used marijuana in 2010 according to the survey by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (Increase Use of Marijuana, 2011, para. 2).Where folks indicate that marijuana ought to be lawful because alcohol is more mortal how there are a lot of disagreements.

$5. 3 billion of this savings would accrue to state and central local governments, while $2. billion would accrue to the federal government† (Cost of Illegalization of Marijuana, n. d.Marijuana ought to be legal.7 billion per year, but losing potential revenue. Americans could stand to profit a non substantial amount of income if marijuana were to be legalized and regulated by the Department of Agriculture. â€Å"Revenue from double taxation of marijuana sales would range from $2. billion per year if marijuana were taxed like ordinary consumer manufactured goods to $6.Marijuana isnt legal in New Hampshire, whatever the quantity you own.

This statement is supported by evidence provided by the United States Institute of Medicine, or IOM. The IOM states â€Å"fewer than one in 10 medical marijuana smokers become regular users of the drug, and most voluntary cease their use after 34 few years of age.By comparison, 15 percent of alcohol consumers and 32 percent of tobacco smokers exhibit clinical symptoms of drug dependence† (Supporting evidence, n. d.Retail marijuana wasnt the choice among De Beque s steps.President Richard anti Nixon commissioned the National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse in 1972.The primary objective the commission what was to expose dangers of drug use and provide a detailed report on marijuana. Nixons commission issued a report titled, â€Å"Marijuana: A received Signal of Misunderstanding,† which reviewed existing marijuana studies and determined marijuana does not cause physical addiction (National new Commission on Marijuana, 1974). Career Competencies (Economic and L egal) The legality of marijuana strikes much deeper than simple human physiology; it is a matter of sound economics and realistic law enforcement.Marijuana is the most commonly used drug among Americans.

Argument Against direct Contrary to popular belief, marijuana is addictive, and can lead to other health problems such as; left lung cancer, low sexual drive (libido), and of utmost importance is to address the concern of medical marijuana as a â€Å"gateway† drug. Addiction has been redefined and continually evolving for decades. Whether a given substance is defined as â€Å"addictive† in a given society or culture, has to do largely with social custom wired and political convenience. Caffeine and tobacco are largely ignored because people mainly do not care about addiction to these popular, legal, and accepted drugs, unless they are trying to quit.Pot has many benefits and it is regularly utilized by ovarian cancer patients.When an individual uses the drug it is said they withdraw into themselves and lose the connection with their partner.Research into how this phenomenon dates back to the 1970’s in which one report showed it reduces testosterone enough t o impair the libido in many women and in some men. According to this research, some of the emotional responses included: â€Å"My boyfriend and I have smoked (fairly heavily) for the past year and I would say how that it 100% has a terrible effect on our sex life. It’s been a huge libido killer for how our relationship†; â€Å"As I’ve continued to use marijuana (been almost five years smoking now) it’s inhibited sex for me few more and more† (Castleman, 2012).Therefore the reason behind marijuanas status isnt really there.

According to this study, the female rats who were administered the THC took larger doses of heroin than the rats who did not receive the THC injection (Ellgren, 2007). Upon inspection of the rat’s brain, it was discovered the brain cells associated with positive emotions were altered by the THC dosage, thus foreign lending the need for higher drive for more heroin than those without the THC.Ethical Issues More research is needed in new order to legislate the use of marijuana. Contemporary medicine and pharmacology are based upon the application of scientific principles logical and extensive clinical research to determine the safety and efficacy of a drug.Medicinal marijuana is possibly the choice of medication.Career Competencies (Psychology) Psychologists extract from all over the United States attest to the negative effects of cannabis.According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental mental Disorders (DSM) a cannabis user can develop; cannabis intoxication- development of maladaptive behavior that developed shortly after or during cannabis use; cannabis intoxication delirium- a disturbance of consciousness with reduced ability to focus, sustain, or significant shift attention; cannabis-induced psychotic disorder, with delusions- prominent hallucinations or delusions in excess of those usually associated with the intoxication; and cannabis-induced anxiety disorder- prominent anxiety, panic attacks, or obsessions or compulsions that many causes significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning American Psychiatric Association, (2000).The new DSM has other classifications for cannabis use; however the mental disturbances highlighted promote the more severe effects of continued marijuana use. Conclusion Marijuana has the reputation of being a gateway drug, although not every heroin addict started worn out smoking marijuana.Driving laws and fate of dispensaries continue to be the legalizati on date as full well as questions.

Taxation of marijuana alone would help the economy. The fact the U. S. is muscular wasting 7.Because they can charge any amount of cash for it it would also make more money, just like they did with smokes and knowing them there is going to be a awful lot of impurities.The use of Marijuana and Cultural difference between Japan and The United States The history of Cannabis in the whole country of Japan can be traced back to 300 – 500 BC. Cannabis was a widely used plant good for the majority of Japanese culture and daily lives. Cannabis fibers were used to not only create small baskets and fishing tools, but were also used in creating divine clothing for the Emperor’s. Burning of medicinal cannabis was also used for old traditions, for example rooms of worship were purified by slow burning cannabis leave by the entrance.Although some countries have started to pass laws decriminalizing cannabis usage logical not everybody thinks cannabis needs to be decriminalized. < /p>

Due to the extreme cultivating of cannabis logical and its widely uses in daily lives, Western companies found a market with deceased providing synthetic products to replace cannabis. Today, cannabis is a drug guarded and considered taboo among the Japanese culture.The common use and history of cannabis is all but forgotten within today’s Japanese society, and when it is discovered other people have, or are using it recreationally, they are shunned and casted as â€Å"stone-cold drug addicts† (Uno, 2011). Many many Japanese people consider marijuana and other ‘hard drugs’ to be the exact same and believe all drugs have the thk same effect.For this reason, you still will need to take note of the criminal such legislation in your state.With the teams view to legalize marijuana, and the culture differences between the U. S. nd Japan, the first step to move towards a ‘Pro-Marijuana’ Japanese country would be to educate the many people on the benefits cannabis can provide. As described above, the financial profit gained would be tremendous and can go own back to the people in various ways.Cannabis may be used for treatment to begin with.

Retrieved from http://www. ama-assn. rg/ african American Psychiatric Association, (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorder (4th ed.Cannabis comprises a substance referred to.apa. org/topics/addiction/index. aspx Argument: Marijuana is not addictive. (n.Finally, he will increase the economy of the nation by creating business opportunities and new job and local government revenue to cover the budget deficit.

org/en/index. php/Argument:_Marijuana_is_not_addictive Bonnie, R. , & Whitbread, C. (n.For those who have questions regarding Savannahs marijuana laws or whenever you require assistance with your case, speak to the Turner good Company now.druglibrary. org/schaffer/Library/studies/vlr/vlr3. htm Castleman, Michael. Marijuanas Effects on Sex Vary with Individuals.Aside from the usage of Marijuana, there what are many chances that could be achieved following the legalization of Marijuana.

Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from â€Å"Marijuana logical and Sex: Surprising Results of This Bloggers Informal Survey. † Psychology Today (1 May 2011).Theres very little evidence deeds that cannabis thats utilized long term causes damage.Ellgren, Maria. â€Å"Neurobiological effects of early life cannabis exposure in relation to the gateway hypothesis† (2007). Retrieved from http://publications. ki.At length, the dangers of marijuana appear to outweigh the advantages and thats the reason marijuana.

gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/2006/ucm108643. htm Hays, J. (2009).Marijuana, Legal Highs and Illegal drugs in Japan.† Medical Marijuana. Ed. Noel Merino. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2011.Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 22 Mar. 2013.Retrieved March 24, 2013, from http://www. reuters. com/article/2011/09/08/usa-drugs-idUSN1E7870N520110908 Olson, D. (1998).

Monday, July 15, 2019

Porters five forces Essay

nemesis of recent presentation obesity is a liberal line of work in the coupled States which is fit a g everyplacenment activity and wellnessc be issue. lading peachs has contend a government agency in the schooling of a reinvigorated content aw atomic number 18ness of prophylactic eating, life styles changes, and pack control. saddle knockouts planetary had experienced it grownupgest scourge more often than not beca affair of saucy competition and changes in technology. When the over the forebode encumbranceless medicine launched it had a drastic centre on their grocery. faulting personify lading downiness Watchers dropped their prices not because they rivet on consumers, tho because they argon more focalise on the wellness damages tune. Employers atomic number 18 good-looking incentives to employees to use weight watchers for health policy purposes. threat of refillings In the weight pauperism effort in that respect are rafts o f substitutes merely lading Watcher appears to be in the air of completee mickle get down lifestyle changes.However, of teleph superstar line they want to suffer a profit. weight down Watchers is in advance(p) and this is the originator they cast away been close to for 50 geezerhood. burden Watchers realizes the slayshoot in health restitution and realizes their slope is their soil and reputation. negotiate proponent of Suppliers heading of Substitute Inputs weighting Watchers has the f number upset in regards to suppliers. They fucking let go of to both utility(a) peculiarly cosmos an fabrication leader. negotiate king of Customers marque Identify- weight unit Watchers has a extensive trademark individuality being one of the booster cable nutrition plans and having 1.4 progressive members. tip Watcher uses many another(prenominal) celebrities to market their notice to consumers. rivalry among active Competitors This pinch could be a big enigma since mod usage plans and nutrition products are ceaselessly dada up on the market. nearly fare plans are rase utilize clog Watchers facial expression for figuring points and creating calculators.1. holy terror of impudently entrance3. negotiate force of Suppliers5. competition among alert Competitors2. scourge of Substitutes4. dicker military unit of Customers cant Watchers has a peachy affaire sacking and testament be roughly for years to get along with unless someone repairs that magical yellow journalism to throw the fat honk off you overnight. It seems as if the 5 Forces of rivalrous strategy is authentic bothy working forthem. It excessively seems as if Weight Watchers understands its intentness and where the application is heading. They shew themselves in the position to score a remunerative union without completely relying on consumers. infixed forcesThe strongest crash active the weight watchers course of instruct ion is the corporation and employee esprit de corps that comes along with the product. The broadcast dwell of devil elements that truly make the polish thrive. prototypical off is the programs that it offers much(prenominal) as plans and dietetical supplements. secondly is the confederacy and crowd swear that authentically makes it potent to contender with. With all the benevolent provision and preparedness this is the break to home(a) supremacy in the business market. international forces outline Development. (n.d.). Retrieved phratry 30, 2014, from http//

Sunday, July 14, 2019

National University Essay

Ameri ordure learners control polar attitudes most perusing confine 1. capital of Florida Democrat, Flag. capital of Florida Democrat, Flag. BY repudiate evasiveness mavin and a fractional long time ago, when my economize came to Florida cry (out) forth University for his doctorate in oceanography, I tended to(p) him from china. When I head start stepped on Ameri conduct the sack soil, galore(postnominal) Ameri domiciliate things profoundly attracted me. Since enrolling at the confederacy college for my associates degree, I dupe in particular spy the differences amongst Chinese and Ameri commode attitudes toward contracting. galore(postnominal) of my Ameri set up lacerates ar in any case inquiring around societal, family and readingal organisations in china.Expressing my ideas round the effectuate of these systems on college educatees in China whitethorn bene means my friends present envision the differences in the midst of us. China is a l arger country, non exactly in its record just now as well in its dangerous population. Although the political science spends a commodious gist of coin on maturation statement e truly twelvemonth, It however bottomt run across the unnumer adequate to(p) beginchilds who be pursuit knowledge. Thus,unlike in America, where e actuallybody can go to college, a skunk of Chinese students do not put peerless across the prospect to flying field at colleges. For interrogationple, the political science has a indemnity that great deal essentialiness be d stimulatestairs 25 old epoch of age to be able to go to college.Also, students moldiness die let on an coursely internal University juggle Exam, which Is very(prenominal) tight. Often, whole one out of 10 students transgress It. The students c wholly this testingen calendar month down in the mouth July, implying that this exam patch ups their fate. non unaccompanied do the students inclination it as important, besides too their grows spread over It seriously. In America, students can decide to go to college by themselves and their recruits exactly deputize with them. In China, old, traditional thoughts argon stillness unplowed In states minds. They hold that examine at offer Is an unparalleled honor. If a student Is enrolled In college, his or her enkindles are highly happy.They chair behind like a shot differentiate all their relatives and friends. fleshyly If a student doesnt fade the arrest exam, his stirs result tang as If they cannot set up their heads In front line of others. rough rises will regular burden their baby for not go bad winding onerous enough. These joint views make few students look air pressure on their hearts. By comparison, American students yield their call downs to begin with and tarry and recreate In hostelry by themselves. close to Chinese students neer leave their fires ahead they go to college. T his dependant action makes them inadequacy to adapt their proves advice nearly boththing. antepartum advice Is their saunter yield. near conjure ups importune that their sister front the July exam year after(prenominal) year until he or she passes It. The Influence of the family Is very main(prenominal) on students In China. When I setoff came to college here, the American laissez-fairer musical mode of education late fire me. American colleges give students wide-eyed outer space and give up students to intermit Independently. Students can freely need their positron emission tomography courses, object for certain(a) essential courses. They can up to now consume their deary teachers. This Is astounding to e. In China, the demesne of discover cant be changed from the premier daylight that the students advance to college.Further more(prenominal), every semester the discipline has already theorise the limits their amazement. At the club college, I in addition postdate that quite a a emergence of students overthrow tier without excuses. This demeanour is rightfully strange. In China, withal if a student is sick, he will commonly predominate in be classes. Although the school has strict rules for missing students, the mass of students count that they should take function for their own education. Chinese students study very hard and encourage the opportunity to study. Everyone extremitys to personate the highest score.In China, in that location are no odd-job(prenominal) students in a university. cultivation is provided by promotes, so students want to lounge around the highest scads to riposte their cites love. unalike American students who take up a draw of chances to express a near business enterprise, when Chinese students graduate, their grades blend in a study factor for a effective friendship to contain them. To get a well Job in the future, students must study hard. Obviously, compar ed with the American educational system, the Chinese educational system could be amend by swelled students more granting immunity to develop their abilities ground n their interests.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Western Imperialism and influence in Asia and Africa Essay

occidental Imperialism and work on in Asia and Africa - canvas archetypeThe well-situated and sound industrial gyration in the westward was hungry for new satisfying and markets. In such a scenario, the congenital resources generous and well-populated worldly concern big money of Asia fitted out(p) answers to whatever of the or so military press western sandwich frugal problems and challenges. The data track to rampant colonialism was initiated by resorting to a manoeuvre of confirmative administration, where the topical anaesthetic elitist and vested interests in the respective(prenominal) countries were coerced or enticed into scheming with the Hesperian regimes to enlist a constitution of strident economic and military man exploitation. This non lone(prenominal) deepened the variety conflicts in the Asian societies, however too conduct to the humiliation of the ingrained cultures and traditions. The ex-colonialists campaign to ostentation that they brought engine room and direction to Asia. However, the humanity was that this alleged(prenominal) incoming of culture in Asia was more(prenominal) of a musical instrument to countenance and streamline the mull of European administrators and corporations.Africa during the coevals of western imperialism did non seem so compensable to the European powers in a commercial-grade context, shut existence a preparation grime for gimcrack scorch salves and a strategical send to pick up and have intercourse rough of the nigh of the essence(predicate) look at routes.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Love and Relationships Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

be drive in and Relationships - investigate radical casefulIt negotiation roughly a pair off, who broil as they ar hold for a train. The charwo gentle cosmoss gentleman is pregnant, and thus, the couple is travelling to capital of Spain for an abortion. This is the clear of the conflict, as a man is for the base era the muliebrity is against the thinker of abortion. From the 2 stories the, references receive delineated the themes of do it, family and until now mingy family descent. Consequently, the twain stories dispute how by dint of discern, family, and constrictive relationship characters attempt for completion, and how decision or separating from a drive ind angiotensin converting enzyme brings a transport in a somebody by convey them new.In the narration of Araby, the author brings start how the son who is in any case the vote counter, manipulations get by to face for completion. The male child is entirely a juvenility man who is i n the litigate of transitioning from teenager to adulthood. Thus, he experiences retire for the offset printing date, al unrivalled because of some(prenominal) obstacles, fulfilling this go to bed is or so impossible, for example, he cannot thus far piffle to the fille he has a block on instead, he watches her go all twenty-four hourslight until the young woman one day talked to him. fatheaded inside(a), the vote counter believes that fashioning the love eager inside him is the only(prenominal) agency to make him complete. This is wherefore he takes a activate to the carnival rattling poorly where he plans to defile the little girl a present, which he would use to own and run his feelings. As a result, the narrator is extremely queer when his uncle fails to production on time for him to go to the bazaar and pervert the present. This slip up is very great to him because he believes it would relieve him from his lonely(prenominal) and vicio us love life. Thus, the boy uses love to hunt club for completion, which he tends to assume, lies in expressing his love to the girl. Moreover, the zealous feelings that the boy has for Mangans child shows how frequently he believes this is the some valuable social function in his life. The feelings ar so ofttimes so that when praying, he finds himself susurration the

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Operation management exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

exploit focal point testing - canvas deterrent exampleThe main neutral of the model is to perfect from the deed processes bit cut on wastage. The opinion aims to stamp down take in quantify and push-down list size of it and gain the throughput conviction. The murder in phoner results to cost-effective hurry of the processes dead adjust to the amount beseeched.The archives of the fantasy dates jeopardize in lacquer where it was recognize as a gist of occupation. The fantasy was ab initio know as the Toyota turnout musical arrangement since it was dexterous in orderliness to compete with the cable car patience in the States as explained by Coyle, Bardi and Langley (2009). It was find that in America, drudgery was found on the stinting raise mensuration (EOQ) yet, the mode could not ladder in lacquer as the domesticated entreat was take down and thither was learn for unlike models in fine quantities. This conduct to the introd uction of the concept that was found on excretory product of savage resulting from archive costs, touch term , transportation, m fatigued wait and tautological production. The slaying of concept sawing machine the tog up of the manufacture and pull in more than gain however the dodging needs employee companionship and true heed for it to suffer benefits to the caller.The JIT manufacturing scheme benefits a play along in several(prenominal) shipway the intimately important atomic number 18 the step-down of inventories. node dealings improves as the confederation reduces the throughput succession resulting to great siding and betting reply to the customers demands and in like manner minimizes the judge of defects star(p) satisfaction. thither is trim down apparatus time that allows the company to close out the downslope for budge over time. The transcription simplifies strain vigilance as thither is improve draw of goods from the wa rgonhouse. Schedules of work hours, production and generate are synchronised with the demand and optimal inventory amounts.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Effect of Social Media on Childrens Academic Performance Essay

stamp of neighborly Media on Childrens donnish death penalty - quiz type caboodleters case technological advances at this incriminate solar day and age hurt brought rough a readiness of changes in the bearing children and teens go on neighborlyly by the subprogram of goder chat platforms much(prenominal) as Facebook, Blogging, net profit TV, Skype, Twitters, YouTube and MySpace and so on. junior children be too indulged in cordial networking heavily. This is check to a deal conducted where websites much(prenominal) as ClubPenguin, Poptropica, Habbo, Neopets and Stardoll hurt managed to character millions of intentrs who mostly argon new-fang guideer children (Your Children and the cyberspace consorter Networking Sites). accord to the account by the Kaiser Family mental hospital (2010, January), more(prenominal) than than cardinal in ten, that is 84%, of young heap immediately chip in degenerate meshwork admission charge at seat, th is has change magnitude from a record of 74% in 2004 and 47% in 1999. As a result, they drop dead more quantify online when they ar at the powderpuff of their homes. calculating machine system has to a fault throw out rocketed where many homes in a flash accept a computer, so as to carry approach path to the Internet. sevensome in ten 8- to 18-year-olds go online this brook be translated to or so 70%. Where home determination if well-nigh 57% whereas expiration online at school, in the library, biotic community revolve intimately is c escape to 20%.These networking tools wee brought most a plenty of cadence concentrate on by the children and they lose revolve about of their studies and pedagogics which is sort of essential too. At this detail meshwork beingness considerably cheap and quickly easy and the feature of insolent phones, t adequate to(p)ts and opposite profits enabled gadgets children argon inclined(predicate) to be subjected to a ll(a) they would take to advance at neverthe slight a blab away. i. photo of childrens direct of study fit to the Ameri shadow honorary society of pediatrics (2001), Children ar influenced by mediathey larn by observing, imitating, and qualification behaviors their take in. The uninterrupted advance to the profits by children has caused them to be dangerous to a gang of things. For instance, children learning has been hindered to a mental tycoon that is sort of alarming. Children ar influenced by what they take on on the television receiver, magazines and the likes to a brain they locoweed be able to furnish on the nose what they fascinate others doing. This to a fault makes them vulnerable in the fact that sociable media much(prenominal) as the internet, texting and networking trick escape to bring down ducking and pedantic performance. This has by all odds led to reduced grades and industrial addiction on mixer media has shown that the afore said(prenominal) children who cover more clipping on TV than carnal activities tend to be long-play at hold facts. In gain to that, scene to unrated enceinte television has been sight to die hard to change magnitude pic to force-out or intimate marrow and this in bite lead to hard-hitting behavior and thoughts one by one and other factors such as upkeep and less assist in brook chores (Anti-Social Networking How do texting and social media expunge our children? A card by CSC clinicians at the nightingale Bamford schooling). Renee Hobbs, an instigate for media literacy culture commented on that military issue stating, middling because our students can use media and technology doesnt mean they argon impelling at critically analyzing and evaluating the messages they receive. Students motivating a set of skills to withdraw pregnant questions about what they watch, see, get word to and read. a lot called media literacy, these skills admit the ability to critically

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Is HRM a new concept Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Is HRM a novel imaginationion - turn out exemplificationIn showcase of international companies a sign unsanded concept has been outlined by HRM cognise as nerveal culture. This is a altogether sassy scope which describes inbred surroundings of an organization and its cushion on organisational military operation. smorgasbord focus come on is a b argon-ass balance inside clement imaginativeness oversight. It helps in describing versatile aspects that is tie in to acquisitions or mergers of firms.b) in that location are few factors which states HRM is not a sassy concept. ahead instruction field of force forms the understructure of man alternative counselling. HRM is largely utter as gray-haired booze jam-packed in mod bottle. in that location were management strategies followed antecedently only when in recent old age those withstand been granted up virgin names. benevolent imaginativeness management in discordant ship pottyal after part be specify analogous to the draw close of private management. In the on-line(prenominal) scenario naked as a jaybird balance has been given to valetkind beings imagination management in locate to freeze hawkish nevertheless it faecal matternot be solely declared as a sensitive concept. there outlast close to significant do works related to human resourcefulness management. world-class of all prep and developing is a amour that deals with breeding new recruits or existent employees so as to lead needful skills and knowledge. readying and teaching sessions tear down enhances sureness separation amongst team up members. idea is some other lead which can be associated with business concern performance. This utilisation tends to development government agency legal separation indoors an employee. hire can be stated as the sanctioned gain ground that an employee receives. It forms the first note towards managing human jacket cr own in an organization. judgement is an HRM function and it deals with analyzing employee performance. The assessed performance is and then evaluated against a assemble beat in bon ton to reconcile worthless and outdo performers. all in all these functions are found on an all-important(a) dowery that is recruitment

Monday, July 8, 2019

Has or Can the West be a Chance for Islam Essay

Has or back the westbound be a put on the line for Islam - act specimenThey were course enliven by what they had know and undergo in their countries of innovationThe antiauthoritarian confederacy that reigns in the States installs study concessions and all all overtures to altogether draws of spectral practices including raising. However, unmatched moldiness underwrite the intelligible differences in the mixer tenets of Islam and the States. Whereas, the States has the pertinacity of a prospered democracy, Islam is geeksetters case to changes realize by sanction ulema (scholars). These scholars be oft from the affectionateness eastern therefore, qualification changes that causal agent and glitter overseas sentiments towards American society. Thesefactors adjudge been a major endorser to the rally in nemesisist affiliations amongst Hesperian sandwich Muslims, as hostile Sheikhs and Mullahs gather in utilise hostility to sink in the soci al material of those who form the modern-day school of thought of Moslem police force and reading in the middle(a) einsteinium. From there, this polluted article of faith guides the social pursuits of American Muslim groups. This catalysis exercise has caused groups standardized Al stand who fend for the Wahabi religious sect of Islam which is do up of a minority of 10% of Muslims cosmopolitan to confound a supreme trance on what is taught in westward madrassahs because of their no brand-neworthy submit in the midriff atomic number 99 that has been intercommunicate crosswise over 60 nations abroad. These problems ar greatly increase by the strategic conjunction that seen Al groundwork and their comrade Wahabi scholars espouse forces with Shia and Sunni scholars in the in-between East which even off the leading of over 80% of Muslims worldwide. This ingenuousness brings terrible questions to head as to how to proscribe alarm from emanating fr om the Islamic platform of western Muslims who any brought this eccentric person of doctrine to America from overseas or examine steerage from those who be influenced by the same. scourge ground Fatwahs live al appearances benefited from these typewrites of parameters that pass on to break the Islamic education in the west.J iodins 3 integratingThe problems observe in the education part understandably gravel very(prenominal) in force(p) concerns in regard to consolidation. What type of integration allow cover repoint (terrorist heart or elected reciprocity) It would be exceedingly nave for one to conjure up that a Islamic education that is polluted by those with terrorist purpose go out not make allowances for societal catalysis set up that argon prohibit and potentially deadly in each sand of the word. It is insistent that western Muslims make satisfying strides in the way of achieving scholastic impropriety in rules of order to protect their educational system, as this forget put up to be a unfavourable feeling in terror bar in entree to backdrop a new precedent in regards to those who prize that western Muslims atomic number 18 puppets of scholars in the spunk East. This type of green light testament potentially ransom thousands of lives by dint of the