Sunday, August 11, 2019

Child Labor and rights Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Child Labor and rights - Research Paper Example Despite this practice being illegal, it remains a rampant phenomenon. In some cases, it remains practiced openly (Alan 25). The international Labor Organization places the number of children aged between five and fourteen who are workers in one way or another at an estimated 211 million across the world. Over 120 million children work full time to support their poverty stricken families in places that remain considered as hazardous (Michel 9). It estimates that the Asia/Pacific region hosts the highest number of children laborers at over100 million. Majority of child workers exist in the Sub Saharan region of Africa. It gets estimated that over 26% of the child population that is equivalent to 50 million children get actively involved in work. The International Labor Rights Forum gets actively involved in lobbying to eradicate the practice of child labor all over the world. This gets done through shedding light on imported goods whose manufacturing process involve the participation of child labor, lobbying for creation of crucial policies and legislation governing child labor and by increasing heightened consumer action and awareness (Megha 10). It also promotes the strategies and policies of the International labor organization on child labor. The labor laws with regard to children are dynamic and vary across nations. These labor laws set the rules and regulations that govern workers and work related issues. The minimum age that laborers ought to be, often gets stipulated in these labor laws. Employers get restricted from hiring anyone who does not meet the minimum age requires by the law (Megha 10). This minimum age varies from country to country and also defines the work that gets permitted at that particular age. Countries that ratified the 1973 Minimum age Convention that got convened by the International Labor Organization adopted the minimum age as fixed between the ages of fourteen to sixteen. In the Unites states, Child Labor Laws set the

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