Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Developing World free essay sample

Ecuador: Migration, Immigration, and Emigration, and Their Effects on Religion, Women, and Minorities in the Developing World. Migration In the late 1990’s, there was an economic crisis, which unleashed an unprecedented international-labor that related to migration patterns from every region in Ecuador. The population of Ecuador’s capital Quito was 13. 8 million in 2010. The expected migration rate for Ecuador form 2010 through 2015 is every two migrants to thousand immigrants. From 1996 through 2010 an estimated 1. million people left Ecuador and, headed to popular destinations such as, Spain, United States and, Italy. 2 million Ecuadorians are expected to live aboard by 2011. Programs developed under the International Organization for Migration (IOM) are beneficial to Ecuadorians who have migrated and, wish to return back to Ecuador. Through these programs, it will reestablish a system for reintegration and, monitoring that will guarantee stability and, help contribut e to economy. Other popular programs aim to provide proper travel documents that, supports the international standards of security and quality. We will write a custom essay sample on Developing World or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page There is also, a program to combat against trafficking humans, the Anti-Trafficking in Persons (TIP), through this program, seeks away to resolve this issues. This year alone, approximately 15 victims of trafficking will be assisted because of TIP. Immigration According to CNN, Ecuador is considered the second best country in the world for, immigration and retirement, due to great diversity for travelers and, the small size of Ecuador allows people to reach there place of destination in just a few hours. The prices for goods are relatively cheap, there are many activities to enjoy and, the friendliness of the people will makes it a desirable stay. The National Direction of Immigration of the National Police of Ecuador is the entity in charge of controlling the migratory laws within the national territory and, is also in charge of the controlling foreigner’s entrance into the country. Ecuador immigration gives visas to foreign citizens, allowing a maximum of 180 days in a 12-month period from the time of entrance in the country. Passports are valid for a minimum of 6 more months. To stay longer than 90 days there will a fee, for the extended stay. To work in Ecuador, a work visa must be obtained. In order to work in Ecuador a contract is usually sign as a try-out period for a minimum of 90 days and, after the try-out if all goes well an extension on the contract for 12 months. There is a tendency to employ foreign personnel that demonstrate different abilities, like languages or have a specialty in a certain field due to the lack of a better education or other skills are not easily found in Ecuador. The work situation in Ecuador has improved over the last few years, since the arrival of the US dollar it helped stabilize the economy and, the unemployment rates have gone down. In 2001 census of Ecuador show there were 104,130 foreign born, less than 1% of the population. Almost half of the foreigners were born in Colombia, 51,556 residents (49. 5 %), followed by the United States with 11,112 residents (10. 7 percent) and, Peru with 5,682 residents (5. 5 percent). For Peruvians, Ecuadors decision to switch its currency from Sucre to the US dollar has been the most important attraction. An estimated 60,000 Peruvians that now reside in Ecuador are illegal’s. Ethnic Issues and Status of Women In 1929, the women of Ecuador were the first women in Latin America to win their right to vote; due to the strong efforts of civil society movement has produced many advances in women’s rights in past decades. In 1995, the establishment of Law Against Violence Towards Women and the Family and, in 1998 the constitution stated there must be equal rights for men and women. Ecuador the only country in Latin America to recognized sexual and, reproductive rights in their constitution. With great strength in the women movement it help with development constitution of 1998. The National Women’s Council (CONAMU) created through these women movements. There are issues that still remain that challenge women’s empowerment such as, in the area of health and, reproductive rights. Most women’s rights groups do not have good partnership with other social movements such as indigenous and human rights movements. Religion The Roman Catholic Church has dominated the religious aspect for Ecuador since the Spanish conquest. Catholicism remains large in Hispanic cultures. The church was the only colonial institution dealing with the care of the needy or educating the people. The church gained great wealth through donations, dowries, and outright purchases. Every segment of the church: the hierarchy, individual clerics, and religious orders, owned some sort of assets. In 1905, the liberals’ ascendancy put a grip on the dominance of the Catholic Church. Under the 1945 constitution (and the Constitution of 1979) firmly established freedom of religion and the separation of church and state. In the 1960s, the Catholic bishops became increasingly active in supporting changes socially. Church leaders organized literacy campaigns among the Indians, distributed the institutions remaining lands, assisted peasants in acquiring land titles, and helped communities form cooperatives. With the church supporting for social reform, it brought conflict with the government authorities. For example in 1976, police arrested Riobamba bishop Leonidas Pro-Villalba the episcopate’s most outspoken person and, highly critiqued of Ecuadorian society and politics. In 1986, the Roman Catholic Church was organized into three archdioceses, ten dioceses, seven apostolic vicariates, one territorial prelature, and one apostolic prefecture. The Catholic Church has 1,505 priests to minister to a population of slightly more than 8 million, a ratio of 1 priest for every 5,320 Catholics. An approximate 94% of Ecuadorians are considered Catholics but a majority will not practice their religion. Analysis and Conclusions I am still in the same way of thought that things are not as bad for Ecuador. If CNN proclaims Ecuador as the second best country in the world for retirement, than things are not as bad as we some things hear from newscast or hear from others. Still as of many of other developing countries, Ecuador has big strides to make, one of the most important ones it’s the equality of right between males and females. Third world society’s still reject that women can be as intelligent as man, but the fact is Latin-American country have had women presidents already: Chamorro for Nicaragua and currently Brazilian president Dilma Ruseff, which should teach us that steps for equality are going the right direction. Other issues that they need to work to stop emigration to other countries it’s the creation of employment, better education for Ecuadorians and health systems for all. Also, when this it’s accomplish in the job creation arena these jobs created should be competitive to all global markets, with decent wages to allow them to create a comfortable living. In the side of religion it’s good to see that Ecuador has embrace the opportunity to others besides. http://www. migrationinformation. org/USfocus/display. cfm? ID=575 www.globalfundforwomen.org/womens-human-rights/ http://www. prolades. com/cra/regions/sam/ecu/religion_in_ecuador. htm

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