Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Freedom Freedom Of Speech And Freedom Of Speech
George Guay CIV ESSAY TWO OUTLINE: One of the most complex things in establishing in a government is determining how much freedom the citizens in a society has. Throughout history we have seen many different type of governments that include North Koreas’ dictatorship to the United States that has a government based on principles of democracy. In societies that have democratic governments such as the United States, England, France, and many other western European countries, the citizens have a high degree of freedom of speech. In addition, these people are allowed to have a high degree of freedom of thought. Although these are both very important to have in life because they allow you to express who you truly are, there is a difference†¦show more content†¦The most talked about example of taking a stand are NFL players taking a knee or sitting down during the National Anthem. This all started with former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick. It was rather shocking that NBA players, who play in a predominant African American league, are standing as one team during the national anthem. However, a few NBA players such as Kevin Durant and Stephen Curry are demonstrating freedom of speech by expressing their anger towards the Donald Trump and declining their invitation to the White House this year. Racial inequality in our country was much worse in the mid twentieth century, however freedom of speech allowed this country to make significant progress. Martin Luther King Jr’s of freedom of speech allowed African Americans to live a better life. That is one of the reasons why freedom of speech is important. If you stick by to what you truly believe in and never let go, good things will happen. People can change the world through freedom of speech. Not just only Doctor Martin Luther King Jr, but Ghandi and Jesus as well. While showing your freedom of speech can be a productive thing, there is also a consequence to. For example, ever since Colin Kaepernick decided to s tart his movement of taking a knee during the national anthem, he has not had a job as a quarterback in the NFL. A lot of people thought he would be with the Patriots after the Jimmy Garaopolo trade, however the Patriots chose BryanShow MoreRelatedFreedom Of Speech : The Freedoms Of Freedom Of Speech937 Words  | 4 PagesFreedom of speech now a day’s means being able to have the right to express one’s own opinions without restraint. The United States of America is an open country for any U.S. citizen to be free to say what one would like. By citizens having freedom of speech, it gives the people the right to use hate speech. Freedom of speech belongs to every person in the United States. Here lately citizens are witnessing the rising concerns with hate speech. 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