Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Chinese and American Zombies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Chinese and American Zombies - Essay Example The way people turn into Chinese or American zombies has certain similarities and differences. When it comes to American zombies, they were created by Voodoo spells. Thus, voodoo priests (through spells) could make the person their slave. Importantly, the concept of slavery has been very strong for Americans and it is the core of the idea of zombies. Another way of turning into a zombie is to be bitten by one. As far as Chinese zombies are concerned, they are created when a person commits a suicide, they are victims of premature burial or they were killed and want to revenge. The major feature of the concept of the Chinese zombie is their desire to â€Å"absorb life essence†. The difference between the two types of monsters is that American zombies eat flesh whereas Chinese zombies absorb souls of people. Major features of zombies also differ in the two cultures. Thus, American zombies walk slowly, they are almost deprived of the ability to think and they only strive to satisf y their hunger for human flesh. Their bodies often deteriorate or even disintegrate. As for Chinese zombies, they can look at living people if they turned into zombies shortly after their death or they can look like horrific monsters if they were dead for a while before becoming undead. Besides, these creatures’ hair and nails keep growing and they hop with their mouths wide open always ready to grasp a person’ soul (Bai 109). Chinese zombies hop and as the name suggests (stiff bodies) they do not move their limbs.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Terror in 1831 America Essay Example for Free
Terror in 1831 America Essay Media is a very powerful tool in communicating with people. In so many ways, it allows us to interact with others and exchange stories with the people we know and we do not know. Media as a tool helps us to be informed about the things happening around us but at the same time, it offers exaggeration in news that may affect our perception over an issue being discussed in a hot debate. Furthermore, media sometimes spoils the moment and talks about issues which they bring into exaggeration that may cause threat to the people in the society. In 1831, media played a very important role in delivering news to the rest of the people in the South and even in the North of the American continent by informing the people of the latest happenings about the scariest massacre ever happened involving both white and black Americans. Black Americans in the White World            Throughout the history, Black Americans had been a subject for the rejection of the entire Caucasian race. Unlike Caucasians with white skin, Black Americans are commonly Black if not mulatto. They were treated as slaves and properties rather than as people like the entire society. There is racism in the air and that people have their expectations of those they will be with. A black man is not invited anyhow in any place. They will remain as the puppets of the society and though not all masters treat them bad, those who became good were only few and do not compose the entire population.            Several books in history may attest to the fact that Black Americans were mistreated and yet there were also instances that may allow us to be informed that they too can hurt people if needed. Sometimes they were the first people who are blamed when a crime happened. A Black man is always the prime suspect even if they are clear of any crime. They were portrayed as bad men and yet what we do not know is that as slaves, they were subject to being fooled and being degraded as person. Slaves as they are, with no freedom of their own and the society condemned them of being such for the longest time. 1831 Years of Eclipse            The slaves in Virginia in 1831 almost outnumbered the population of white men (Masur, page 10) which means that there had been a large number of slaves in the state that people have nothing to do anymore and these slaves were the ones who does the chores for them and almost all the jobs except for administrative labors. In Louis P. Masur’s story entitles â€Å"1831 Years of Eclipse†, he talked about the massacre in Virginia and how it changed the lives of the people living there. An account of the massacre including the people involved and slavery in the South, this book talked not only about the issue but how media treated it as news. The massacre in Virginia wherein several white men died including their whole family was caused by rebels composed of Black Americans in the leadership of Nat Turner. The Slave Revolt which happened in 1831 in Virginia caused too many deaths in the state that it also caused too many fear among the residents. There were over or nearly two million slaves in Virginia and the people, particularly the slave masters thought that they are contented already. They claimed that they were good masters and yet they were not saved (Masur, page 10). No one is left alive. Everyone is killed and for a long time, there had been fear all around until the rebels were caught in the absence of Nat Turner. When Nat Turner was caught, he surrendered immediately and when he was interviewed, he said he was never sorry and perhaps he had felt that what he did was the right thing to do I exchange of all the things they experienced as slaves of the upper class society. Media and the Massacre On the other hand, the newsmakers or the journalists did not make too much noise until the massacre happened between the slaves and the masters. It was the scariest story in history that every people in Virginia were contained of fear. However, the newspapers editor did try their best to stop the growing fear that the people had by minimizing the story and offering less exaggeration. Despite of the goal of minimizing exaggeration so that people will not be restricted with too much fear of the current situation in Virginia, different newspapers offered different news and approach towards the incident that no matter how much they try to prevent the attack of fear in people. For three long months, every newspaper released their statements over the issue and each statement contains different facts that there is no consistency of the truth anymore. Although they tried their bests to explain the tragedy, why it happened and why Nat Turner did allowed it to happen, it is useless to think about it that much because the people were already killed and it is all done. One of the newspapers which was firm with their call for the abolition of slavery in the South is â€Å"The Liberator†wherein William Lloyd Garrison (Masur, page 22). Picturing myself in 1831 America            Spoiling the news or adding exaggeration to it might affect the perception of the people. As a person living in 1831, I could say that the exaggeration in the news and at the same time several information which have no basis could have affected my perception and outlook towards the problem of the society. Different information coming from the media will not help in any way to relax the mind of the public. At the same time, it will not allow us to know more about the issue because there is no hint of which one is true.            I would definitely be afraid if I was in that time that Nat Turner led a revolt against their masters. In the perspective of a White person being victimized by Black rebels, I will be very afraid of my life because I have no idea when they will take it away. It is something that I would not want to happen because it is a matter of life and death already. On the other hand, as a black man who suffered too much from the hand of my masters, I cannot blame myself if I would dare to something like the massacre just to escape from their dictatorial masters.            Media as a tool in communication might give us too many information that we can never contain and too many exaggerations will only open the possibility of being more afraid than ever, furthermore, as a citizen in 1831, the exaggerations and incompetent information given by the newspapers will not help to ease the fear in me. Black Americans suffered too much that the revolt seems to be their way of getting back to their masters who degraded them as a person. Works Cited Masur, Louis P. 1831 Years of Eclipse
Saturday, October 26, 2019
My Review of the Play ‘Proof’ :: Theater Essays
My Review of the Play ‘Proof’ Good acting is essential to any good performance. The actors and actresses have to try to make what the audience is seeing and hearing come alive. The four characters in the play â€Å"Proof†are able to do this. The meaning and purpose behind the play is easily understood because the actors and actresses do such a fine job in their performances. The play is about a young woman, Catherine who had been taking care of her father during his last years of life. Anne Heche plays Catherine. Prior to this play, I have never seen Anne Heche in any acting performance. I have to say she did an outstanding job in her portrayal of Catherine. She did a fantastic job of immediately drawing you into Catherine’s world. She aptly portrays the characteristics of a girl who never got a chance to grow up and the slight madness of the genius she inherited from her father. One can easily feel sad for her because after all she gave up all her dreams to take care of her ailing father. Anne Heche plays Catherine so well that it easy for you to fall in love with Catherine and desire only good things for her. The other actors and actress were just as outstanding in their performances. Len Cariou plays Robert. He is Catherine’s father in the play. In the play, he is both humorous and appealing. Len Cariou is very good at portraying Robert’s insanity and brilliance all at once. What is interesting about Robert is that he does not give up his fight against his illness. Instead, he struggles up until his death to control and conquer it. Len Cariou displays this struggle so convincingly that he is able to draw you into his struggle. He is able to stir up emotions, such as sadness and anger. Stephen Kunken plays Hal Dobbs. He is Robert’s protà ©gà ©e. Stephen Kunken is very good at portraying Hal as a geek. However, Stephen is also able to show that not all math students are 100% geek through Hal’s lines and manners. When Hal is at the party, he shows that even geeks know how to have a good time. Hal is the most normal character in the play and Stephen Kunken plays this normalcy with great accuracy and talent.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Potbelly’s Case Essay
1. Potbelly’s strategy in terms of product and market are to provide great food and a friendly atmosphere. As far as their product goes even their CEO Keil says that anybody can make and sell a sandwich. What strategy they use is by using quality ingredients and a superior value. Their strategy towards the market is to provide a fun, unique experience to their customers. Their previous attempts as far as product goes was to sell antiques along with their sandwich shop, kind of the same approach as a cracker barrel. It seems the sandwiches become a more important part of their revenue. The antiques became more of decoration then sale items. The past market was very small just having one sandwich shop owned by a couple. With the purchase of the shop they quickly started a chain of restaurants and have opened a lot of locations just recently. 2. Potbelly’s position strategy seems to have been starting small in one area while making a name for itself. In its first five years all the locations opened were in Chicago, Illinois. After they had built a reputation they moved into Washington D.C. This seems to be an attempt to stay in major cities to increase their reputation. The nation’s capital is one of the many major travel destinations for work. This way the businessmen of Chicago can get the sandwiches they love even away from home. The next year instead of branching out to the other major business travel cities, for example, New York, Atlanta, Dallas, and Los Angeles, Potbelly took the approach that many other chains take. There central location was Chicago, Illinois; from there they spread into neighboring states, Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. Like mentioned earlier most chains take this approach until they are nationwide. A lot of grocery stores northerners are familiar with will not be found as the y head further south just as southerners will not find the same stores they are used to shopping at when they head north. The next year it opened locations in some of those same states and spread to Indiana as well as another major business travel destination, Texas. In the more recent years they have built more locations in the already occupied states while spreading to neighboring state Ohio. From this point they have made a good name for themselves and have over 100 locations; with the reputation the company has I am sure they will continue to spread their market. Their original locations are located in Northern Mid America, they did not start on one coast and try to spread to the other, this will help extremely with them being a nationwide chain and in the coming years will probably start seeing Potbelly’s as far east as New York, as far south as Georgia, and west into the mid-western states. 3. Potbelly’s environmental opportunities in the external environment would probably include their original location and how much easier it is to spread from the middle of the country rather than the corner or coastline of the United States. The threats Potbelly’s would face more importantly is the competition. There are many well established chains of sandwich shops in the United States including, Sub-way, Quiznos, Panera Bread, Jimmy John’s, and Schlotzsky’s Deli to name a few. When moving into a new market promotion is a key element as the market the company does not know the companies name and would rather go with what they know. Potbelly offers promotions and a great atmosphere that may be able to take some of these competitors business. Subway for example does not use quality ingredients, nor does it have any sort of friendly atmosphere for around the same price. It should be very easy for Potbelly’s to take business away from them. For Potbelly’s to maintain its antique setup and friendly atmosphere they will require excellent management expanding into these new markets. I do not see any reason for Potbelly’s to change their strategy at this time. Changing the way they do business, either the looks of the restaurants or the friendly workers would take away from why people will choose them in the first place over their already known sandwich shops.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Electronic Funds Transfer Essay
Living in an electronically controlled world today, it is not that hard to accept the fact that almost everything is primarily controlled by technology. Here comes the age when almost everything happens within a single click. Apparently, almost everything in the society happens within seconds. This has been primarily enhanced through the existence of online connections through the development of the internet. The developments of banking systems at the same time have also been pushed through. With the existence of the online trading procedures, the development of fund transfer processes also demanded several progresses in terms of creating the possibilities of handling the money the fastest way possible. To be able to meet the needs mentioned above, it could be observed that the need for express money transfers is heightened. With the many money exchanges happening around the globe regularly, the old system of money transfer that requires time and several complicated procedures of claiming the transferred funds already is being gradually eliminated in the human society. The need for a speed enhanced transfer of money could obviously not be met by the said type of fund transfers. On the other hand EFT’s or Electronic Fund Transfer gives the best possible way of sending money from all over the world towards the different regions of the world. More than that, the security of money transfer has also been heightened by this particular type of monetary transaction procedure. To be able to learn more about the said procedure of money transfer, it is necessary to know the basic information pertaining to its primary developments. How it all Began The developments of EFT’s have been primarily handled by banks who wanted to increase the services that they provide their clients with. It could be noted that through the increased concern of investors and economic enthusiasts in enhancing the processes of fund transfer around the globe gave the bankers an idea on what to actually apply in the procedures of developing the said system of money transfer from person to person and company to company transactions. At first, the development of this particular process assisted on credit transactions, the use of cards in monetary transactions and other basic procedures concerning monetary procedures of transfer. However, when the bankers found out the possibility of utilizing the benefits of online connections in this particular process, the development of the integration of online internet connections within the procedures of completing bank to bank monetary transactions has been pushed through. Now, through the internet alone, investors, businessmen and even just ordinary bank depositors could already transfer and receive funds through the internet. The said procedure of monetary fund transfer enhancement also involves several other types of other monetary transactions such as: †¢ Sale: where the cardholder pays for goods or service. †¢ Refund: where a merchant refunds an earlier payment made by a cardholder. †¢ Withdrawal: the cardholder withdraws funds from their account, e. g. from an ATM. The term Cash Advance may also be used, typically when the funds are advanced by a merchant rather than at an ATM. Deposit: where a cardholder deposits funds to their own account (typically at an ATM). †¢ Cashback: where a cardholder withdraws funds from their own account at the same time as making a purchase. †¢ Inter-account transfer: transferring funds between linked accounts belonging to the same cardholder †¢ Payment: transferring funds to a third party account †¢ Inquiry: a transaction without financial impact, for instance balance inquiry, available funds inquiry, linked accounts inquiry, or request for a statement of recent transactions on the account. Administrative: this covers a variety of non-financial transactions including PIN change. (Source: Wikipedia. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Electronic_funds_transfer. ) These types of transaction involves client to company, company to bank, then bank to bank communication to be able to complete the transaction transfers. It has been found out through studies system of electronic fund transfer transactions receive a considerable number of people who are able to appreciate the benefits of the said monetary transaction procedures (Davies, 1989, 34). The said system of fund transfer involves numerous communicating procedures between several parties. This is to verify the identity of the senders as well as the identity of the receivers for the sake of security purposes. The Benefits of EFT Looking through the view point of the senders of the monetary funds that are to be transferred, it could not be denied that there are several benefits that outline the entire EFT procedures making it more practical for investors, business enthusiasts as well as local depositors to make use of. The said benefits include the following: (a) Speed Most fund transfers that are assisted through electronic devices such as online bank connections and other transferring agents, the transfer time processing takes at least tow to three days if the location is just within the country, whereas it takes four to five working days when the transactions are to be done internationally. Either way, the procedures of the transfer in the case of EFT is far much faster than that of other mailing based transfer procedures. (b) Security Since no actual money is going to be transferred from party to party, there would be fewer cases of funds being lost. Everything is tracked through network systems, enough reason for senders to be rest assured that what they sent would be received by the people that they are sending the funds to as it is. (c) Minimal Fees Since the speed is heightened, this particularly means that the parties involved in the transactions are minimized as well. Hence, the fees that are charged are much lowered down in rates that are most likely more acceptable to the senders of the money. (d) Transaction Order Details are Intact It has been much necessary for this particular type of money transfer to keep everything on track. This particularly means that the transaction details are kept for repeated updating of the people who are sending the money to help them keep good track of their funds basing from the amount of monetary funds that they send out. (e) Money Managing assistance The tracking details of the systems actually encourage the clients to have an effective way of managing their money. It is through this procedure that they are able to assist their clients in controlling their use of their money. With the benefits mentioned herein, it could be observed that the EFT procedures indeed increase the capabilities of the senders and the receivers of money to control their funds through continuous and accurate tracking procedures. It is through this that the clients are well served by the banks through the integration of bank systems, electronic transfer and online connections. This is particularly the main reason why most business enterprises today choose to pay their investors and their employees through EFT procedures. They intend to give their employees bank cards that would allow them to withdraw their payments through ATM automation. The investors on the other hand receive their shares of the company profit in the same manner. At times, they give their accounts to the business financial administrators and then the funds are simply transferred to their accounts in time of cut-offs. The Governing Laws According to Roland E. Brandel’s book entitled â€Å"The Law of Electronic Fund Transfer Systems†(2005, 15), â€Å"the impending large influence of technological innovations within the economic advancements of the human society is indeed making a great change in the way the people used to view banking systems†. It is through the development of the said systems that the people already view banks to be one of the most efficient performing sectors of the human society. However, because of several security measures, the government along with the basic regulations of the banks has passed several outlines of procedures that should be used to be able to access EFT systems in a much safer way. It could not be denied that it is also through the existence of EFT’s that some computer hackers are able to access the identity of other people and worse, are able to make machinations to be able to fraudulently steal form their accounts through online connections. It is for this particular reason that the security measures have been pushed to the limits. Everything is highly being tracked especially when it comes to fund transfer procedures. According to Tan Beng Chye Dennis: â€Å"The U. S. Government monitors EFT compliance through Regulation E of the Federal Reserve Board, which implements the Electronic Funds Transfer Act (EFTA). Regulation E governs financial transactions with electronic payment services, specifically with regard to disclosure of information, consumer liability, error resolution, record retention, and receipts at electronic terminals. †This is only among the ways by which the government protects the funds of the people who are using the said transfer system. The security of the money that they send through electronic procedures is one of the primary concerns of the banks and the online financial companies that process the service. With the close observation of the procedures of the EFT system, it could be noticed that the authorization of who should only be involved in the transfer as well as with the receiving of the funds are held in direct tracking, this is particularly to address the safety of the fund and the efficiency of the service. Conclusion The modern day business procedures are indeed engaging in the band wagon of becoming highly high-tech in completing the services that they ought to give their clients as well as their employees. Through the existence of EFT systems, the business transactions of many multinational business organizations experiences ease at present. Book keeping procedures have been reduced and paper works have been gradually minimized. It could be observed that through the integration of the new technology with the procedures of helping the business companies perform their most important roles of providing funds to the society their jobs became much easier to complete. Moreover, the enhanced security of fund transfer procedures through electronic application and the integration of the law within the system give much promise to a more efficient service provided by the banks in coordination with the online financial assisting companies. True, technology has not only increased the efficient capabilities of the bank systems in transferring funds, it also eased the procedures of business transactions and assured the clients in receiving their money in a secure procedure. It could be observed that the expectation for a more complicated and comprehensive procedure in fund transferring processes in the future is indeed reasonable. The never-ending changes that happen in the banking systems are certainly to be enhanced for better service to the clients that the banks and financial companies ought to lend some service to. Indeed, the researches that are done today regarding this particular matter certainly would bring much better results for the business industries.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
MIS implementation in IBM Essays
MIS implementation in IBM Essays MIS implementation in IBM Paper MIS implementation in IBM Paper During the operation it has been noted that large quantity of liquid propylene getting accumulated in the Knock Out Drum (KOD) (being carried out from butadiene chiller) at full load of the compressor even at the 50% loading of the compressor. Liquid level rapidly builds up in the KOD the compressor got tripped at high level in KOD. To maintain the suction pressure, the pressure control valve got fully opened to put hot vapor in the KOD. Thus the full energy of the compressor is not utilized. To avoid liquid carry over from the chiller, minimum liquid level was maintained in the chiller. Thus most of the Butadiene tube bundles are not immersed in the liquid propylene. So chilling effect on Butadiene was nominal resulted continuous running of the compressor against the 16 hr running 8 hrs recession philosophy. Temperature across the chiller in butadiene was only 3 c against the design of 5 c. The problem could not be solved even after communication with the designer for several times. This section will allow changing the different parameters of the system. For example: one can skip the discount box from invoicing also one can print packaging instruction to laser just by clicking the box behind that option and make it at tick mark position. And after that click on the save option to save the changes made and then the system works accordingly. There are many parameters there which can be used to make the system work at owner requirement and choices. MIS helps us to gather data and retrieve information from it. This information can be helpful in deciding the future decision of the company. It helps manager to evaluate option on hand. With tons of data and information available a manager can predict a future course of a industry. MIS also helps in giving us a cost-benefit analysis of each process of our company. Through MIS we are able to analyze even a small related process.
Monday, October 21, 2019
You Shouldnt Even Think About Buying a Research Paper
You Shouldn't Even Think About Buying a Research Paper Its the night before your paper is due, and you havent even started. Are you tempted to go online to buy a ready-made project? Dont do it! This could ruin your academic career. Here are a few things to know about buying a paper. 1. It is plagiarism, which is an academic crime. Plagiarism comes in many forms, but the basic definition is claiming credit for work that is not your own. The punishment for plagiarism is different from place to place, but every college or high school should have an honor code to deal with academic crime.2. Chances are, youll get caught. Teachers are pretty smart. If you turn in a paper that you didnt write, there will be lots of things about that paper to tip off your teacher. The tone and the research will not match your past work. As for college professors- please! These people research for a living. Dont try to outsmart someone who went to college for eight or ten years! Theyll catch on.3. The work is not reliable. Of course, the web site that offers great papers will claim the work is original and reliable. That is advertising. Dont believe it! The sources could be fake, the research could be sloppy, and the format wont match the assignment.4. Papers are sold and re-sold. Just imagine turning in a paper that the teacher has seen before!5. A fake paper wont match the assignment. If you buy a paper, it probably wont match the teachers assignment exactly. Teachers often word their assignments in a way to make them less generic, so students cant cheat.6. There is software for catching plagiarism. Many university faculty have access to software that scans papers and compares them to thousands of papers available on the web.7. Sometimes, parts of papers are used in several papers. People who write papers to sell often use the same phrases or sentences in many different papers. You could buy a paper that is guaranteed to be one-of-a-kind, but that paper could still contain phrases from other papers. Plagiarism software will pick up on this!8. It costs a lot of money! Do you really want to spend a hundred dollars or so, just to get out of an assignment? Is it worth the risk?9. Its not worth the risk. Students are kicked out of school for plagiarism or honor code violations all the time. Once that happens, its on record for good. There goes your future.10. You wont learn anything! Seriously. When you cheat at school or college, youre really only cheating yourself. Sound cheesy? Just think about it. Youre going to have lots more assignments in the future, and you cant buy your way out of all of them. It will catch up with you, one way or another. Â Take a Cheating Quiz!
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Definition of Tag Question and Its Use in Spanish
Definition of Tag Question and Its Use in Spanish A tag question is a brief question that follows a statement in which the person asking is seeking confirmation or denial of the statement. In both English and Spanish, it is common to use tag questions when the person making the statement expects the listener to be in agreement. In both English and Spanish, a tag question following a negative statement is usually in the affirmative, while a tag question following a positive statement is usually in the negative. The most common Spanish tag questions are  ¿no? and  ¿verdad?, with some usage of  ¿no es verdad?. English question tags usually take the form exemplified by are they?, arent they?, is it?, and isnt it?In both English and Spanish, a negative tag question is answered in the affirmative (such as yes or sà ) if the responder is in agreement. This is in contrast with German or French, which have special words (doch and si, respectively) for giving an affirmative answer to a question that is negative in form. Also Known As Question tag in English, coletilla interrogativa in Spanish (although the term is seldom used). Examples of Question Tags Tag questions are in boldface: El presidente es loco  ¿no? (The president is crazy, isnt he?)No eres guatemalteca  ¿verdad? (Youre not Guatemalan, are you?)Este ordenador es nuevo  ¿no? (This computer is new, isnt it?)No quieres comer  ¿verdad? (You dont want to eat, do you?)
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Reflective writing .. Developing the Professional Essay
Reflective writing .. Developing the Professional - Essay Example These developments are an explanation of my progress as recorded in the draft of this essay and in the assessment in Assignment 1. I shall base this reflection essay on Kolb’s Learning Cycle, since it was my guide throughout this module. Kolb’s learning Cycle helped me considerably in understanding the different components of effective learning, which I applied throughout this semester. My application of the Kolb’s cycle of learning was not only in this module, but also on the other modules that I covered this semester. Aside from explaining the responses, I shall also go through a number of interesting topics that we covered in class, sharing the most captivating segments. My reflection shall also bring out my experiences during group work. I shall also highlight how the experiences contributed to my development. In so doing, I shall employ the use of frameworks, models and theories within the module to communicate my understanding and development throughout my studies in this module. The information in this reflection shall be my honest assessment of myself as recorded in the documents attached in the Appendix section of this paper. One of the most interesting topics in this module, according to me, is Active Learning. This topic was a revelation, considering the fact that even during my undergraduate program; I was not exposed to knowledge on how different individuals are with regard to learning styles, values and personality. I understood that the process of learning depended much on the personality that a person has (Burbank, 2008).This revelation changed my approach to learning, making me develop a positive attitude towards learning new things, regardless of how difficult they appeared. This topic also helped me to understand the difference that my learning style had compared to my classmates, and how as a member of a study group I could help turn this diversity into a powerful tool for
English Composition 1 essayThis paper is to be an argument; it must Essay
English Composition 1 essayThis paper is to be an argument; it must put forth a position about which reasonable, educated people can be expected to disagree. It must not present both sides of the story - Essay Example The use of tobacco casts deep effects on the health of a regular user. There are many diseases associated with the use of tobacco products. The use of tobacco products can cause cancer in many parts of the body. Children and women are more vulnerable to the negative effects of tobacco. This essay aims at identifying the drawbacks of smoking cigarettes and other tobacco products. This essay tries to make all aware of the reasons why all tobacco products should be banned. Smoking tobacco harms our health in many ways. In fact, the use of tobacco is akin to slow poisoning. The most famous and favorite form of tobacco products is ‘Cigarette’. Cigars and chewing tobacco are some important forms of the consumable tobacco products. Federal Drug Agency noted that use of tobacco is injurious to health (Federal Drug Agency). There are many diseases associated with tobacco usage. As per estimates by independent non-governmental organizations, more than 20 million people have been died due to use of cigarettes. There are many diseases associated with the usage of tobacco. In the US alone, smoking causes more than 480,000 deaths per year. The most dangerous diseases associated with the use of tobacco products are Lung Cancer, Oral Cancer, and other Cardiovascular and Respiratory diseases (National Cancer Institute).There are numerous harms of tobacco products. Cigarette, the famous tobacco product is also injurious to health. Smocking can cause cancer in many part of the body including Bladder, Blood (acute myeloid leukemia), Cervix, Colon, Esophagus, Kidney, Larynx, Liver, Oropharynx, Pancreas, Stomach, and Trachea (National Cancer Institute). Tobacco products also badly affect our brain and activities of brain. The effect of a commonly used tobacco product cigarette, as an example would further reflect on the related risks and harms. Generally, a smoker inhales 10 puffs on a cigarette in a 5 minutes time.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Idea of the cell first assignment MAM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Idea of the cell first assignment MAM - Essay Example Since Hooke had only observed a dead protoplast and microscopes at that time were primitive, majority of the microbiologists were not convinced that all living things are composed of cell. It was only in the 19th century that the formal study of cell theory developed (including cell biology and cell division) because of the advancement made in modern microscopes. Together with Hooke, Aristotle, Grew and Malpighi, Leeuwenhoek, H.J. Dutrochet, M.I. Schleiden and T. Schwann, R. Virchow, and Louis Pasteur have contributed to the development of cell theory. In this paper, we will focus on the cell theory made by M.I. Schleiden and T. Schwann. At the beginning of the 19th century, Schleiden and Schwann outlined the basic features of cell theory. Schleiden found out that all plant cells have similar structure while Schwann noted that animal cells don’t have cell wall (Roy, 169). Their cell theories have also explained the nature of single-celled organisms called protozoa. The image below shows the cell that were examined by Schleiden and Schwann during the 19th century (refer to Figure 1.1.). Schleiden and Schwann’s Cell Theory started from the scientists’ strong refusal to accept the ‘Preformationists’ perspective. Preformationists state that organisms have pre-existing form and its characteristics are inherited from their previous cells (Cantor et al., 360). Instead, Schleiden, Schwann and the other scientists sorted to epigenesist – the belief that cells emerged anew and are influenced by the internal and external environment. They proposed that both plant and animal cells underwent the same processes and therefore, must fundamentally have generally set of characteristics. According to Schleiden, plant cells are formed by observing the following processes: Schleiden insisted that his theory must be considered as an absolute law
Urgent Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Urgent - Essay Example The Indians would be under the protection of the government of United States. If a white man is killed by an Indian, The responsible Indian would be brought for trial and punishment. The converse would also be true. The Indian tribes were also promised annuities by the U.S. government. The Indian were largely satisfied with the provisions of this treaty as their concerns were addresses. However, the treaty could not last long due to encroachment by tribes. According to this treaty, Spain returned to France the territory of Louisiana which France had ceded to Spain in 1763. When the government of United States became aware of the transfer, it raised concern over a threat to its security. With this treaty, France and Napoleon became very powerful as it had the mouth of Mississippi and the outlet for the produce of seven states. Later Napoleon disregarded the treaty and sold Louisiana to United States which was reluctantly agreed by
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Dystopia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Dystopia - Essay Example In this urbanized society of chaos, fear is used as a way of coercing the collective will of its citizenry. Some of these fears include globalization, fear of aliens (earthly and otherwise), fear of immigrants, and a fear of loss of cultural identity. Other elements that contribute to the dystopic state are: widespread acts of violence within the working classes, and a dummy government that is utterly incapable of restoring any law and order. The escalating anarchy is related to the densely populated urban settings, the predominant of which is Los Angeles. The above mentioned characteristics of urban life in 2019 America may not have all elements of a dystopian state manifest in it. But, there is enough chaos, anarchy, disorder and violence to classify this environment s a dystopian one. On the other hand, the dystopia depicted in the movie Brazil is not so much an anarchic one as it a totalitarian one. It has resonances with the George Orwell’s dystopia of 1984 – an impotent bureaucracy, prompt action against dissenters and a highly commercialized culture where elevated human values are of no positive consequence. To top this state of civil decay, the totalitarian government is also inhuman and inefficient. The people feel hopeless and have no option other than subordinating themselves for the interests of the state. The constant surveillance of people keeps the whole society on an edge, making violent civil outbreaks a frequent occurrence. The violations against basic rights are so profound that protestation as a concept does not even arises among the people. In both the cases of fiction, the natural conditions for a psychologically healthy living are not provided to the people by the state. Hence, they resort to violent and unethical ways of finding some respite. In both the movies, terrorism is shown as a ever growing phenomenon. More disturbingly, its prevalence is so profound that the people have
Movie vs history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Movie vs history - Essay Example In the movie, although it is animated, the producer captures the hearts not only of children but also of the adult audiences with the entertaining presentation of colorful animations and the lively songs. Along with the entertainment it offers, the movie also teaches lessons like clinging to the plans God has purposed in a person’s life which is exemplified in the song â€Å"You know Better then I†, a song which the main character, Joseph, sang. Beforehand, the young man questioned God about his imprisonment when he was falsely accused of acts of lasciviousness by his master’s wife and his seemingly hopeless state when his roommates were released later, he realized that God is his maker so it is He who knows what is best for him, and thus inspired the song. One of the strengths of the movie probably is the source of the story, the Bible, which is an accepted as a reference for the study of early civilizations. Early on, the movie claims its historical claim based from the aforementioned text particularly from the book of Genesis. However, there have been changes in the presentations which might affect the learning of audiences as well as their perceptions about the characters. For instance, one might think that Jacob is a weak father who has sacrificed his pride for the sake of his favorite son, Joseph and that he did not discipline his son regarding the dreams he had. In the movie, when Joseph told about his dreams, Jacob supported Joseph even when it concerned him and his wife, being presented to be falling down before the young man in the future. Putting this in juxtaposition with the story in the Bible, Jacob is observed to have rebuked Joseph although he did not also disregard his gift (Gen. 37:10), thus giving him the benefit of the doubt. For an observant historian, this is a sign of failure to stick to the facts of a movie that claims to have based its story from recorded history. It is an important matter that not only the
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Dystopia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Dystopia - Essay Example In this urbanized society of chaos, fear is used as a way of coercing the collective will of its citizenry. Some of these fears include globalization, fear of aliens (earthly and otherwise), fear of immigrants, and a fear of loss of cultural identity. Other elements that contribute to the dystopic state are: widespread acts of violence within the working classes, and a dummy government that is utterly incapable of restoring any law and order. The escalating anarchy is related to the densely populated urban settings, the predominant of which is Los Angeles. The above mentioned characteristics of urban life in 2019 America may not have all elements of a dystopian state manifest in it. But, there is enough chaos, anarchy, disorder and violence to classify this environment s a dystopian one. On the other hand, the dystopia depicted in the movie Brazil is not so much an anarchic one as it a totalitarian one. It has resonances with the George Orwell’s dystopia of 1984 – an impotent bureaucracy, prompt action against dissenters and a highly commercialized culture where elevated human values are of no positive consequence. To top this state of civil decay, the totalitarian government is also inhuman and inefficient. The people feel hopeless and have no option other than subordinating themselves for the interests of the state. The constant surveillance of people keeps the whole society on an edge, making violent civil outbreaks a frequent occurrence. The violations against basic rights are so profound that protestation as a concept does not even arises among the people. In both the cases of fiction, the natural conditions for a psychologically healthy living are not provided to the people by the state. Hence, they resort to violent and unethical ways of finding some respite. In both the movies, terrorism is shown as a ever growing phenomenon. More disturbingly, its prevalence is so profound that the people have
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Single parents in the military Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Single parents in the military - Article Example The discussion in this paper is mainly about single parents, but not in the general population, the main focus would be the single parents in the military. The United States Army consists of combat, and aviation and water transport service forces (Lawrence, 2002). It is well-ordered, trained and well-equipped in order to be capable of combating on land. It has two major responsibilities and they are (1) to prepare the land forces for war, and (2) expand the peacetime components needed by the army to fulfill the war’s needs. In the early 1990s, the number or single parents in the military increased (Zellman, Johansen, Meredith, & Selvin, 1992). Civilian single parents already encounter huge problems with their children that leads to work disruptions, thus, these problems is also likely to occur to single parents in the military as they work with longer and unforeseen hours. In 1992, single custodial parents in the military reached a number or 66,000 and this caused a slight problem as not all of them were able to leave for the Persian Gulf War (Sagawa & Campbell, 1992). The Presidential Commission on the Assignment of Women in the Armed Forces, then, asked the Pentagon to review their policies regarding deployment of military personnel. The single parents in the military are not only the ones having the said dilemmas; there were also the dual military families or those whose parents are both in the military. In the early 1990s, 2.9% of the active duty personnel are dual military families (Zellman et al. , 1992). Along with single parents, they composed 7% of the active duty armed forces and were also hindered to be deployed for the Persian Gulf War due to their incapability of leaving their family behind. The Commission proposed not to allow single parents and dual military families to be deployed for the sake of their children (Sagawa & Campbell, 1992). This paper would focus on answering the problem of how
Monday, October 14, 2019
Compare the portrayal of Clytaemnestra in both Aeschylus Essay Example for Free
Compare the portrayal of Clytaemnestra in both Aeschylus Essay Compare the portrayal of Clytaemnestra in both Aeschylus Agamemnon and Euripides Electra. Which portrayal do you think is more effective and why? The character of Clytaemnestra is portrayed very differently in both Aeschylus Agamemnon and Euripides Electra. In Agamemnon, we see a very strong female ruler, who is completely absorbed by her passion for vengeance, whereas the figure in Electra is far more maternal, and shows a concern for her family and reputation, which was not apparent in Aeschylus play. This subdued version of Clytaemnestra shows a stark contrast to the fierce and dominant character in Agamemnon, however both characters remain fascinating for different reasons. The Clytaemnestra of Agamemnon seems to be fearless of retribution, with an infallible belief in her own righteousness; I have no fear that his avengers tread shall shake this house. In Electra, however, we see a very different character, humbled over the years, and afraid of Orestes, Im terrifiedthey say he is full of anger for his fathers death. These different reactions to the same topic emphasise how greatly the character of Clytaemnestra differs in each play, from the meek and subdued housewife of Electra, to the self-assured and confident murderess of Agamemnon. One explanation for the changes in character of Clytaemnestra in these plays is the timescale in which they are set. The events in Electra happen several years after those in Agamemnon, and the more mature and calmer Clytaemnestra we see portrayed in Euripides play could be due to the effect of time on her, and the fact that she has had several years in which to reflect upon her actions and realise the full extent of the crimes that she committed against her husband. In Electra, Clytaemnestra states how bitterly I regret it now with regards to the murder she has committed, showing that she has indeed been thinking about the events of the past and repents her actions. This Clytaemnestra is very subdued in comparison to the character portrayed by Aeschylus, and although we can see some evidence of the passion and raw energy that made the character so fascinating in Agamemnon, for instance when she attempts to justify her murder of Agamemnon to her daughter; why should he not die? it is clear in Electra that Clytaemnestra is to take second stage to her daughter in regards to unhindered fury and a lust for vengeance. This older, wiser Clytaemnestra still remains crucial to the plot, but not as a central character, and is merely a shadow of her former self, the confident, powerful creature who dictated the action of Aeschylus play. The style of the two playwrights is a notable difference in the two plays, and the representation of Clytaemnestra varies greatly due to this. Euripides, the more modern o the two tragedists, tended to use sophistic arguments to confound the audiences expectations of a character. With Clytaemnestra, for instance, he decided to move away from her monstrous image the audience would have expected after plays such as Agamemnon, and instead portrayed her as a gentler, maternal figure. This technique was enhanced by the fact that we do not see Clytaemnestra until the second half of the play; only hear about her from Electra. The image portrayed by this character is similar to the one portrayed in Agamemnon, so much so as the audience can wonder whether Euripides is intentionally parodying this version of events, as he had done earlier in the play with the recognition scene, a clear parody of The Libation Bearers. Aeschylus, a far more traditional playwright, portrays Clytaemnestra in her c lassic style, as the murderess of her own husband. This portrayal is, however, somewhat sympathetic towards Clytaemnestra, and we can feel some compassion towards her, although this does not excuse her actions. Aeschylus gave the audience a clear moral standpoint in his tragedies, and they are aware through both the use of the chorus, and the play itself, whose side to be on, from a moral perspective. Euripides on the other hand, tended to be deliberately ambiguous, and his treatment of Clytaemnestra is typical of this. The two sides of the woman that are exposed in this play; the ruthless killer of Agamemnon, as seen through the eyes of Electra, and the reformed wife of Aegisthus, as is later portrayed. This use of sophistic techniques in order to confound the audiences expectations is common in the plays of Euripides, and is particularly effective in this portrayal of such a fascinating woman. The fact that Clytaemnestra is the central character in Agamemnon yet only plays a small part in Euripides Electra also accounts for several differences in her character. The Clytaemnestra in Agamemnon appears almost constantly throughout the play, and through this we can see the development of her character from the strong wife looking after her husbands estate whilst he is at war: Our king and leader absentour duty pays his due observance to his wife, to the violent mistress who murders her husband without remorse at the end of the play: caught by the ruthless falsehood of a wife. Aeschylus is able to develop his character over a far greater stretch of time than Euripides as, in Electra, Clytaemnestra only appears in one scene. The fact that Clytaemnestra is the main protagonist in Agamemnon allows us to examine her character to a far greater extent, enabling us to see how obsessed she has become with the idea of vengeance, and the murder of her husband: His death the work of my right hand, whose craftsmanship Justice acknowledges. In Electra, the character of Clytaemnestra is not given as much time to develop, and we have to make assumptions on her based on the short dialogue between her and Electra.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Problems With Profit Maximization Strategy Finance Essay
Problems With Profit Maximization Strategy Finance Essay Shareholder Value is a financial term which is the final measure to see whether the company is successful in enriching its shareholders or not. We have tried to find the difference between shareholder and the owner wealth and have concluded that shareholder wealth is the supreme point of contention for any organization as in the long term it will benefit both owner and shareholder. Hence, both of them will be content. We first look at why shareholder value maximization should be the primary goal of any organization. Then, we look why there is divergence of the organization with the objective of shareholder wealth maximization. Then, we looked at various agency problems that come due to this divergence. Then, we gave strategies on how managers can increase shareholder wealth. At the end, we concluded with the new concept of stakeholder wealth maximization and explained its utility. Who owns any organization which is listed in share market, obviously, the Shareholders. These are those individuals who have bought stocks of the company which shows their ownership of the company. Even if business is a person firm, he is the shareholder. If the Business is big, the board of directors are made up of people who own the right by owning the majority of shares. Since, the shareholder own the company, they are entitled to maximum value generation from the money they have invested (Ahlstrom 2010, pp 11-24). In old times, the traditional approach of companies was to maximize the owners profit, but there were multiple limitations like:- Any firm has multiple targets other than maximizing shareholder wealth. These can be like achieving higher market share, huge sales growth, more stable market position. The traditional approach didnt consider all of these issues. Shareholder Wealth Maximization has multiple things to be looked into like Short term, Medium term and Long term Shareholder Wealth Maximization Shareholder Wealth Maximization over a period of time. The traditional approach lost out to these points. Social Responsibility needs to become the most important aim of any organization. Big Organizations need to give back society in lieu of the resources that they take from them. These big organizations need to devote something out of the profits that they earn. The traditional approach didnt take in account this (Smith 2003, pp 52-76). Modern approach puts more emphasis on Shareholder Wealth Maximization rather than owner profit maximization. This includes increasing the Earnings per share of every shareholder so that their net worth is maximized. Wealth increase is equal to what gross present worth in needed for raising profits in the future. This value needs to be discounted as per the time frame to found out the annualized rate of return for the shareholder. In Shareholder Wealth Maximization, it places priority before any other objective for the organization. Any action which has positive effective on Shareholder Wealth Maximization needs to be given priority. In any capitalistic society, the goal of business should be Shareholder Wealth Maximization as mostly the ownership of goods and services is by individuals, since, they own all the means so that they can make money. Shareholder Wealth Maximization at the end leads to rise in value of the shares which at end maximizes wealth of the shareholder (Ahlstrom 2010, pp 11-24). . Maximizing Shareholder Wealth as the Primary Goal Any financial decision to become effective needs better understanding of organizational goals. Shareholder Wealth Maximization should guide the decision making of the firm which needs to be represented in the common stock price. Profit maximization shouldnt overshadow Shareholder Wealth Maximization as many a times decisions taken to maximize profits of the owner has a short term view and in the long term erodes the value of shareholder wealth. Warren Buffet, who has been the advocate of Shareholder wealth, says that long term economic goal of any organization should be increasing the average annual gain of the intrinsic business value in their firm for their shareholders. Economic progress isnt shown by size of firm but by per share progress (Smith 2003, pp 52-76). Shareholder Wealth Maximization goal should be about management of firm seeking to increase the present value of their future of their shareholder but not increasing the profits of promoters. This return to shareholder needs to be given in the form of periodic dividends as well as if any shareholder decided to sell of the stock. As long as the dividend stream or the value stream is flowing, it increases the value of shareholder. Also, the higher the risk for future wealth growth, it reduce the faith of shareholders on the company. Stock prices always show what is the timing and risk associated with the future benefits which can be reaped by the shareholders. Shareholder wealth is defined as per the total number of shares times the value of per share at which it trades in the stock exchange the company is listed (Van Beurden Gossling 2008, pp 407-424). The advantages of using Shareholder Wealth Maximization as an objective are:- This considers the time period as well as the risk in investing in the firm. Managers must take in account this while making decisions like expenditure so that in contributed to increase shareholder wealth. Shareholder Wealth Maximization can be tested with every decision which is made by organization so that consistency in decisions can be maintained. If the decision increase shareholder wealth it is a good decision, otherwise it isnt, hence it shouldnt be taken. Shareholder Wealth Maximization is impersonal by nature. Shareholder is free to take their funds out and sell the shares and invest anywhere. If the shareholders risk preference isnt according to the decisions made by the firm, the shareholder will sell the sticks owned by him and invest in the organization which has best profile as per his investment needs (Bejou 2011, pp 1-6). For all of these reasons, Shareholder Wealth Maximization should be the primary goal to be achieved by any firm. But, the issues like social responsibilities managerial objectives, agency problems can create departure from pure Shareholder Wealth Maximization behavior shown by managers as well as promoters and more considerate in profit maximization. Nonetheless, Shareholder Wealth Maximization objective gives a standard on which every managerial decision can be judged and screened on (Ahlstrom 2010, pp 11-24). . Divergent Objectives The goal of shareholder wealth maximization is about how financial decisions should be made in an organization. But, not all management decisions need to be made by this. Using the index of managerial performance, we can measure the managerial success in achieving the shareholder wealth maximization objective. They should try and work to maximize Economic Value addition which is the difference between profit after tax and the cost of capital employed to generate that profit. Multiple corporations like Coca Cola, AT T, and General Electric use this concept of Economic Value added (Husted de Jesus Salazar 2006, pp 76-91). It has been seen that all those firms which dont give attention to stockholder interests and are more indulged in promoter profit maximization perform poorly in long term. There is always a divergence in shareholder wealth maximization goal and the other objectives which are undertaken by management. The main reason for this divergence is shareholders are real owner but control is with promoters in all corporations. This separation of ownership and control allows manager to pursue self-promoting goals which are not in line with shareholder wealth maximization. They are consistent to maintain the control of the company. Instead of pursuing the goal of shareholder wealth maximization, managers just work for satisfying or look for acceptable levels of shareholder wealth increase, while working for their interest improvement (Shaw 2009, pp 565-576). The maximization of personal welfare of managers can lead to long run job security of themselves. The focus on long term survival of managers limits the risk taken by firm as unfavorable outcomes can lead to disastrous outcomes for the firm. Similarly, the need for job security is one reason why management doesnt allow any merger offers given by other companies. The Golden Parachute approach is usually in the interests of managers more than the shareholders wealth. Now days, multiple companies give top management stock options which ensures their ownership in the company. Pan-American gives retirement option in common stocks which ensures that they think on the options to increase the share price. This helps in alignment of interests of managers with those of shareholders (Bejou 2011, pp 1-6). Agency Problems The presence of different objectives of owners and managers is one kind of agency relationship problem. Agency relationships happen when one individual hires other individual so that he can perform duties on behalf of his. They delegate the decision making to the agent. These kinds of agency relationships exist between stockholders and managers and those of stockholders and creditors. When we talk about agency relationship between stockholders and managers, the inefficiency rises as each party works in a way to maximize its interests and utility. The management thinking for looking for long term survival rather than thinking about shareholder wealth maximization. Other example is about using company airplanes, limousines and offices without having any ownership in the firm. This shirking by managers is an issue. Enron Corp lost $1 billion of investments in 2001. In 1991, Enron permitted their CFO to purchase assets and minimize the risk of Enron. The CFO made million personally. This conflict of interests made way for Enron filing for bankruptcy in Chapter 11 (Smith 2003, pp 52-76). In Enron Case, the agency issue was poorly handled which led to shareholders feel the brunt of this mismatch. Agency costs include 1) Expenditures made for minimizing the incentives for management which management took for removing decisions in contrast of shareholder interest, Such as giving management compensation in from of stock option of the firm. 2) Expenditure to oversee management action like audits both external and internal. 3) Protection of organization from managerial dishonesty. 4) Opportunity cost of lost chances due to complex structure of organization (Husted de Jesus Salazar 2006, pp 76-91). Managerial motivation act in the stockholder interest when they have stock in form of compensation, the threat of losing their job and threat of being taken over by any other organization. Agency problems and related costs can be decreases if financial markets are efficient enough. Also, it can be done with the use of complex contracts in financial terms. Agency problems lead to costs which reduce the value of firm on market place (Bejou 2011, pp 1-6). The Other agency conflict is between shareholder and creditors starts from the relation between owners and creditors. Creditors always stake a fixed claim on companys resources in lieu of long term debts, bank loans, commercial agreements and other instruments. The returns given to creditors are fixed while those to shareholders are variable due to stock price. Owners can try to make risky investment decisions, but creditors need to be paid back in full but investments need to be made as early as possible. Creditors to protect their money ask for other protective covers from company line bond indentures, limitation on dividend payments, types of Investments Company can make, poison pills and new debt application. This all can reduce the potential market value of the firm (Ahlstrom 2010, pp 11-24). Problems with Profit Maximization strategy If Managers of any firm want to work in the direction of shareholder wealth maximization, they should look beyond their conventional thinking of owner profit maximization. Profit maximization model isnt useful for decision making due to multiple reasons like 1) The standard macroeconomic model for any firm is static. Profit maximization cant compare short term and long term profits. Profit decisions should be reflected on time basis. And should have a long term impact on the firm 2) Profit is defined in accounting terms between costs and revenue, but it doesnt define any priority on multiple things like maximization of absolute profit, rate of profit as well as earnings per share. 3) The last problem is profit maximization of owners gives no way for managers to seek the risk assessment option. Tw projects giving same profits can have different risk profile (Cosans 2009, pp. 391-399) Conclusion The complete concentration on shareholder wealth maximization has been under criticism since the dot com burst. A shareholder value increase talks about benefit of the owners only but doesnt talk about the social issues like employment, environment and ethics. Any management decision can maximize shareholder value but can lower welfare of other stakeholders listed above. A Company while making decisions for maximizing shareholder value can also prove detrimental to interests of its customers as multiple decision regarding product lines can have effect. Also, shareholder wealth maximization strategy needs to have a long term view not a short term one. The intrinsic value of any business is brought up by the combination of financial might, societal contribution, employee satisfaction and shareholder interests maximization. This is said to be stakeholder value maximization. However, this concept is very hard to implement as every decision cant be useful to all stakeholder. They need to be prioritized and weighted upon before implementing nay managerial decision
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Austin Museum Of Art :: essays research papers
The Austin Museum of Art was the first of the three galleries attended. At the time, the museum had a touring â€Å"Rock and Roll†exhibit, which had its focus on the influence of the Rock –and-Roll culture on art. The pieces were arranged in a chronological order and started with the Pop Art of the early 1960’s. Located in the section were two silk screens, one of Mick Jaggard and the other of Prince, done by Andy Warhol. There were a few other pieces in this time period that helped to point out a major turning point in both art and photography. It was now okay to use other people’s photographs in an art piece. Also, it symbolized a beginning of the manipulation of the photograph. No longer were the artists bound to having their work on paper, there were new and limitless areas to explore now in photography. These were the main works that caught my attention in the museum, but there were many other pieces. Other works went through the abstract and full of color 1960’s, until the newer more mechanical art of the 1980’s and 90’s.      After attending the Austin Museum of Art, the students headed for a smaller, more informal gallery. The Dumont Gallery contained works from various photographers that were entered into a contest earlier in the year. Now the pictures were traveling around the state of Texas, and had even made a stop at the MSC in College Station. The pieces in the exhibit made visible the numerous ways in which art and photography can be presented. There were huge photographs, Polaroids, pictures developed onto clothing, series photographs, bound pictures, and a large amount whose methods of production could not be identified. There was one group of photographs done by the same artist that truly caught my attention. The artist, while a young woman did not have a very interesting life, and often sought refuge in the Nancy Drew mystery novels. Now, she has often caught herself talking to people about her life and actually telling the events that happened in the books instead of her l ife. It was because of those events that she did a series of photographs were she dressed up like Nancy Drew and posed in her pictures that played out the different stories from the books. She decided, why not be her if you think you are her.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Foundation and Empire 10. The War Ends
Lathan Devers felt definitely uncomfortable, and vaguely resentful. He had received his own decoration and withstood with mute stoicism the turgid oratory of the mayor which accompanied the slip of crimson ribbon. That had ended his share of the ceremonies, but, naturally, formality forced him to remain. And it was formality, chiefly – the type that couldn't allow him to yawn noisily or to swing a foot comfortably onto a chair seat – that made him long to be in space, where he belonged. The Siwennese delegation, with Ducem Barr a lionized member, signed the Convention, and Siwenna became the first province to pass directly from the Empire's political rule to the Foundation's economic one. Five Imperial Ships of the Line – captured when Siwenna rebelled behind the lines of the Empire's Border Fleet – flashed overhead, huge and massive, detonating a roaring salute as they passed over the city. Nothing but drinking, etiquette, and small talk now. A voice called him. It was Forell; the man who, Devers realized coldly, could buy twenty of him with a morning's profits – but a Forell who now crooked a finger at him with genial condescension. He stepped out upon the balcony into the cool night wind, and bowed properly, while scowling into his bristling beard. Barr was there, too; smiling. He said, â€Å"Devers, you'll have to come to my rescue. I'm being accused of modesty, a horrible and thoroughly unnatural crime.†â€Å"Devers,†Forell removed the fat cigar from the side of his mouth when he spoke, â€Å"Lord Barr claims that your trip to Cleon's capital had nothing to do with the recall of Riose.†â€Å"Nothing at all, sir.†Devers was curt. â€Å"We never saw the Emperor. The reports we picked up on our way back concerning the trial, showed it up to be the purest frameup. There was a mess of rigmarole about the general being tied up with subversive interests at the court.†â€Å"And he was innocent?†â€Å"Riose?†interposed Barr. â€Å"Yes! By the Galaxy, yes. Brodrig was a traitor on general principles but was never guilty of the specific accusations brought against him. It was a judicial farce; but a necessary one, a predictable one, an inevitable one.†â€Å"By psychohistorical necessity, I presume.†Forell rolled the phrase sonorously with the humorous ease of long familiarity. â€Å"Exactly.†Barr grew serious. â€Å"It never penetrated earlier, but once it was over and I could†¦ well†¦ look at the answers in the back of the book, the problem became simple. We can see, now, that the social background of the Empire makes wars of conquest impossible for it. Under weak Emperors, it is tom apart by generals competing for a worthless and surely death-bringing throne. Under strong Emperors, the Empire is frozen into a paralytic rigor in which disintegration apparently ceases for the moment, but only at the sacrifice of all possible growth.†Forell growled bluntly through strong puffs, â€Å"You're not clear, Lord Barr.†Barr smiled slowly. â€Å"I suppose so. It's the difficulty of not being trained in psychohistory. Words are a pretty fuzzy substitute for mathematical equations. But let's see now-â€Å" Barr considered, while Forell relaxed, back to railing, and Devers looked into the velvet sky and thought wonderingly of Trantor. Then Barr said, â€Å"You see, sir, you – and Devers – and everyone no doubt, had the idea that beating the Empire meant first prying apart the Emperor and his general. You, and Devers, and everyone else were right – right all the time, as far as the principle of internal disunion was concerned. â€Å"You were wrong, however, in thinking that this internal split was something to be brought about by individual acts, by inspirations of the moment. You tried bribery and lies. You appealed to ambition and to fear. But you got nothing for all your pains. In fact, appearances were worse after each attempt. â€Å"And through all this wild threshing up of tiny ripples, the Seldon tidal wave continued onward, quietly – but quite irresistibly.†Ducem Barr turned away, and looked over the railing at the lights of a rejoicing city. He said, â€Å"There was a dead hand pushing all of us; the mighty general and the great Emperor; my world and your world – the dead hand of Hari Seldon. He knew that a man like Riose would have to fail, since it was his success that brought failure; and the greater the success, the surer the failure.†Forell said dryly, â€Å"I can't say you're getting clearer.†â€Å"A moment,†continued Barr earnestly. â€Å"Look at the situation. A weak general could never have endangered us, obviously. A strong general during the time of a weak Emperor would never have endangered us, either; for he would have turned his arms towards a much more fruitful target. Events have shown that three-fourths of the Emperors of the last two centuries were rebel generals and rebel viceroys before they were Emperors. â€Å"So it is only the combination of strong Emperor and strong general that can harm the Foundation; for a strong Emperor can not be dethroned easily, and a strong general is forced to turn outwards, past the frontiers. â€Å"But, what keeps the Emperor strong? What kept Cleon strong? It's obvious. He is strong, because he permits no strong subjects. A courtier who becomes too rich, or a general who becomes too popular is dangerous. All the recent history of the Empire proves that to any Emperor intelligent enough to be strong. â€Å"Riose won victories, so the Emperor grew suspicious. All the atmosphere of the times forced him to be suspicious. Did Riose refuse a bribe? Very suspicious; ulterior motives. Did his most trusted courtier suddenly favor Riose? Very suspicious; ulterior motives. It wasn't the individual acts that were suspicious. Anything else would have done which is why our individual plots were unnecessary and rather futile. It was the success of Riose that was suspicious. So he was recalled, and accused, condemned, murdered. The Foundation wins again. â€Å"Look, there is not a conceivable combination of events that does not result in the Foundation winning. It was inevitable; whatever Riose did, whatever we did.†The Foundation magnate nodded ponderously. â€Å"So! But what if the Emperor and the general had been the same person. Hey? What then? That's a case you didn't cover, so you haven't proved your point yet.†Barr shrugged. â€Å"I can't prove anything; I haven't the mathematics. But I appeal to your reason. With an Empire in which every aristocrat, every strong man, every pirate can aspire to the Throne – and, as history shows, often successfully – what would happen to even a strong Emperor who preoccupied himself with foreign wars at the extreme end of the Galaxy? How long would he have to remain away from the capital before somebody raised the standards of civil war and forced him home. The social environment of the Empire would make that time short. â€Å"I once told Riose that not all the Empire's strength could swerve the dead hand of Hari Seldon.†â€Å"Good! Good!†Forell was expansively pleased. â€Å"Then you imply the Empire can never threaten us again.†â€Å"It seems to me so,†agreed Barr. â€Å"Frankly, Cleon may not live out the year, and there's going to be a disputed succession almost as a matter of course, which might mean the last civil war for the Empire.†â€Å"Then,†said Forell, â€Å"there are no more enemies.†Barr was thoughtful. â€Å"There's a Second Foundation.†â€Å"At the other end of the Galaxy? Not for centuries.†Devers turned suddenly at this, and his face was dark as he faced Forell. â€Å"There are internal enemies, perhaps.†â€Å"Are there?†asked Forell, coolly. â€Å"Who, for instance?†â€Å"People, for instance, who might like to spread the wealth a bit, and keep it from concentrating too much out of the hands that work for it. See what I mean?†Slowly, Forell's gaze lost its contempt and grew one with the anger of Devers' own.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Eymp 1 Context and Principles for Early Years Provision
EYMP 1 – Context and Principles for Early Years Provision Part 1 An explanation of the legal status and principles of the EYF and how national and local guidance materials are used in settings The legal status and principles of the Early Years Foundation stage is used with children aged from birth to five years. The Government have outlined three primary and four specific areas and seventeen early learning goals that they think are important to a child’s development and planning is used to meet a child’s individual needs.An explanation of how different approaches to work with children in early years have affected current provision in the UK Over the years many people have made studies of what they believe were the important factors in providing for children’s needs. All of these pioneers believed that there should be an integrated approach to the early years provision. One of these pioneers that had the greatest influence was Freidrich Froebel.Froebel foun ded the first kindergarten in 1840 and learned how important it was for children to have real experiences and to be physically active, learning outdoors as well as indoors. He believed that schools should be communities where parents could join their children, and that parents were the first educators of children. Other pioneers were Maria Montessori who devised a structured teaching programme based on watching children with learning difficulties and building on the work of Froebel.She have a different view to him in some areas, for example believing that children should learn to work alone to help them become independent learners and did not see the benefit of play. Rudolf Steiner believed that the first seven years of a childs life were the most important and that they needed a carefully planned environment to develop in a rounded way. Margaret McMillan used many of Froebel’s ideas and thought that play was very important. She believed that nurseries were an extension of th e home and not a replacement for it.In the 1920s she set up nursery schools that were copied across the world, having gardens and welcoming families and not just children. One of her most important achievements was introducing school medical services and school meals. She did this because she believed that children could not learn of they were hungry or sick. All of the work of these and other pioneers had an impact on the way that the current provisions in the UK have developed. Why the early years framework emphasises a personal and ndividual approach to learning and development The early years framework emphasises a personal and individual approach to learning and development because valuing a child’s individuality, ideas and feelings is an important part of developing an individual approach to the learning and development. A child has universal physical needs such as food, drink and shelter and psychological needs such as love, affection, security, friendship which are es sential to maintaining their quality of life.In recognising and trying to meet an individual child’s needs each child’s age, physical maturity, intellectual abilities, emotional development, social skills and past experiences and relationships need to be considered. Part 2 An explanation of the partnership model of working with carers This enables different services and professionals to join together to prevent problems happening. It is used to support children, young people and families to help secure improved outcomes.A review of the potential barriers to participation of cares and an explanation of how these barriers may be overcome There can be barriers to effective partnership working these include problems in sharing information, people not being clear on their roles and concerned that they may make a mistake. An explanation of strategies that can be used to support carers who may react positively or negatively to partnership opportunities Some people may feel th reatened that new approaches are being used which mean that they have to work in different ways to which they have been used to.Some may also not like being managed by someone that has different skills and experience from their own. To overcome these issues team meetings can be used for everyone to help them work together. It will also allow everyone to fully understand the roles and responsibilities of the other services and practitioners. An explanation of how effective multi-agency working operates within early years provision and benefits children and carers The Common Assessment Framework is used to by practitioners to assess the additional needs of and their family and to help identify the services that will be required to meet their needs.The Common Assessment Framework starts with assessment and information sharing of the childs development within the EYFS, the care and support offered, the overall family and environment. Using this information the lead professional will wor k with the team and the parents to put in place a plan to support the child’s development. The Common Assessment Framework has a standard form that is used to record and share with others the details of the assessment. The things that are important are clear and effective communication between the professionals and the agencies, keeping accurate records and maintaining confidentiality.
“Bless Me, Ultimaâ€Â: The Role of Parents Essay
The novel â€Å"Bless Me, Ultima†by Rudolfo Anaya shows the complexity and changeability of human nature and destiny. The author reveals that in the process of maturation and development every person is being influenced by parents, friends and acquaintances. Anaya tells a story of a young boy Antonio who is troubled of uncertainty of his destiny and parents’ influence on his life. Gabriel and Maria Merez are Antonio’s parents, but they have conflicting views towards the future of his child. Therefore, it is very difficult for Antonio to accept either mother’s or father’s belief system. Antonio’s mother is very religious and she is devoted to Catholic Church. She teaches Antonio to follow God’s commandments, as well as to accept values and beliefs of the church. Moreover, she wants her son to become a priest following her Luna family traditions. Maria thinks that it is a sin to grow and she doesn’t want Antonio to choose his own destiny. But the heart prevails and â€Å"the tragic consequences of life can be overcome by the magical strength that resides in the human heart†. (p.34) Antonio’s father is rather important for his spiritual growth. Despite the fact that he wants his son to become Llano vaquero, he wants Antonio to feel independence and freedom. From the first glance Gabriel seems a common drunkard, but with the novel progression we see the depth and dignity of his relations with Llano. Antonio inherited father’s inquisitive and questionable mind. When one of the villagers dies Antonio asks: â€Å"God! Why did Lupito die? Why do you allow the evil of the Trementinas? Why did you allow Narciso to be murdered when he was doing good? A thousand questions pushed through my mind, but the Voice within me did not answer†. (p.23) Maria forces Antonio to follow her family traditions, whereas Gabriel wants him to choose the life of vaquero only if he wants. He doesn’t want Antonio to be in a state of regret as he is. In such a way, Gabriel is the first person who teaches Antonio to make his own decisions about the future. Works Cited Anaya, Rudolfo. Bless Me, Ultima. New York: Grand Central Publishing, 1994. Â
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
What is social Justice How is social justice related to language Assignment
What is social Justice How is social justice related to language rights What do you think about language rights and deaf students - Assignment Example A just and equal world order is perhaps best seen as consisting of people with proper political regimes who fully respect basic human rights. Human rights are expansive, and language rights are part of them. Social justice is all about fairness and equality; language rights protect individuals to choose their preferred language in communication in the public and private spheres. For marginal groups, the opportunity to use ones language is of crucial importance because it protects their collective identity and participation in public life (Tyler, Boeckmann, Smith & Huo, 1997, P.11). Laws may restrict people who do not speak the national language from running for office – political posts, hence challenging international obligations that require free elections. During state discussions, the minority groups may suffer if the government insists discussions be carried out in the national language. Foreign language is what is often used to teach the children of the minority. Consequently, the children grow to forget their language and their culture in addition. Higher rates of school drop-outs and unemployment rates also follow the children. In the colonial days, the white people wanted to teach the black people children their language but the chiefs realized that it was only robbing their children of their language and culture (Skutnabb-Kangas, 2008, P.3). Deaf students are a minority group in our societies, and they have linguistic rights. They have a special form of communication in the form of sign language and the laws in place must cater for them. Deaf children attend special schools and are taught various skills during the period. In the event of completion, they should be seamlessly assimilated in the society (Muhlke, 2000, P.23). They have the right to speech, freedom of opinion and expression, right to vote and run for an office, and the protection against
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Changing Women Body Standards According to Culture Research Paper
Changing Women Body Standards According to Culture - Research Paper Example The 1910s saw the ideal woman’s body depicted from the creation of Charles Gibson with the body type being referred to as â€Å"Gibson girl.†The ideal body, in this case, was tall and slender with a thin waist (London, 2015). The girl had to have a large bust and wide hips. They had to fit perfectly in a super cinched corset, which brought the big bust and narrow waist effect upon the women at this era. â€Å"Her physique was tall and slender but with a buxom bosom and large hips; essentially an 'S' shaped body achieved by wearing a super-cinched corset†(London, 2015). The women at this point were in physically good shape as they were physically active. The 1920s saw the ideal woman’s body referred to as â€Å"flapper.†With the rejection of the Victorian style, the women had minimal breasts (those with large breasts wore tight bras to flatten them some more), appeared more boyish and revealed uncovered arms (Eco, 2010). Their behavior of rebellio n saw them become scandalous, irresponsible and even undisciplined. The 1930s saw the return of the â€Å"curves†and the femininity figure and behavior. The women became more voluptuous with bare shoulders (Bahadur, 2014). The women during this era were much more nourished and this contributed largely to their increase in size. The celebrities were also not slender and they, in turn, embraced the curves giving the regular women reasons to maintain their increasingly curvy figures.
Monday, October 7, 2019
The Gap (Gap Inc.), an international retailer company Essay
The Gap (Gap Inc.), an international retailer company - Essay Example Local Network with certain recommendations that may help other companies and organizations to achieve better compliance with the following important principles of the Global Compact: Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights (UN Global Compact 2011). Principle 2: undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility (UN Global Compact 2011). We believe our experience designing and implementing numerous CSR programs can be considered reliable, because Gap Inc. owns more than 3,100 stores worldwide and employs more than 150,000 people from all over the world, all of which are actively engaged in the Gap’s efforts to support human rights and environmental protection (Wright 2007). Having tries many approaches to supporting human rights and protecting the environment, we have come up with several strategies that help us to be a sustainable and responsible company, whose operations benefit all of the stakeholders. Lessons Learnt Gap Inc. has been continuously devoting much time and attention to promoting human rights protection programs. In particular, we are promoting diversity in every sphere of our operations. â€Å"Diversity is the rich variety reflected in our work environment and marketplace – including ethnicity, race, gender, age, sexual orientation, faith, culture and global experiences†.... Human Rights Policy 2010). Nevertheless, we have had some negative experience. Workers of our supplier factory made claims of labor abuses and offensive attitudes from the side of their management (Smith, Ansett, and Erez 2011). For that reason we had to invest millions of dollars into making sure that employees of our supply chain were treated with respect and dignity (Amazeen, Michelle 2011). As for protecting the natural environment of our planet, we are members of Business for Innovative Climate and Energy Policy (BICEP) (Environment 2011). As the members of BICEP we take a great care of design and development policies, strategies and procedures related to protecting our world in terms of working with clean energy and approaching the climate change challenges (Environment – Public Policy 2011) At the same time, we have watched the negative experience of one of our suppliers, the mountain kingdom of Lesotho. In 2009 this company was reported to pour unused and toxic mat erials into local rivers (Smith, Ansett, and Erez 2011). This shows that the organization does not give much care to the environmental constraints facing the global society. Recommendations On the basis of both positive and negative lessons learnt from past experience, Gap Inc. would like to draw the attention of the Local Networks to the outlined below recommendations. We believe the presented here measures will significantly improve positions of companies both financially, though increased customer loyalty, and socially, through improved corporate image and identity. Develop a standardized set of guidelines for business and organizations to follow in order to
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Social Capital Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Social Capital - Essay Example Parents have been known to use their wealth to gain social capital for their children over the years through various ways such as donating large amounts of funds to the school that their children attend among others. The question remains however whether this is right or wrong and should be acceptable within the society. The answer to this can be derived from looking at the pros and cons of this subject. There are a number of arguments that can be used to defend this act. One of them is the fact that by attaining this social capital for their children, the parents are ensuring a better future for them as they are guaranteed help with the trials they may face in the future (Putnam, 2006). Ensuring a better future for one’s offspring can be considered to be the right of every parent and is expected off them. Another pro is that the social capital gained by these children technically does not hurt anyone although it may give them an advantage over others in certain situations, it is not against the law to cultivate relationships that will be beneficial to an individual (McNamee & Miller, 2009). As there are two sides to every coin, there are also cons in assisting one’s child in gaining social capital. The main con can be considered to be the fact that by doing this, the child will not learn essential values such as the importance of independence and the virtue of hard work as they will not have to struggle for the things that they want (Doob, 2013). This can be considered to be a sort of negative education on the part of the parent as it does not help in building up a child’s character. Another con is found in the fact that by teaching a child that what they want can be achieved by money, they risk instilling a devious/delinquent attitude within the child as they are aware that the social capital gained will get them out of trouble (Brown & Iyengar, 2008). For example, a child
Friday, October 4, 2019
Tourism in Manchester Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Tourism in Manchester - Essay Example The intention of this study is Manchester as the place of contrasts and a place of enormous wealth, meaning that it is a place that depicts the cultural heritage of different areas and tourists pay a huge amount of money for visiting these places. Similarly, another historian wrote about Manchester that it is a place which has all the basic necessities of life worthy for a standard lifestyle besides water, and among all this, the beauty of Manchester is the one that is worth seeing Ritvo. Asking from one of the respondents he replied: â€Å"it is the boundless beauty, worth seeing places, availability of all facilities like spa, beauty salon, shopping malls, dining, water parks and much more makes Manchester famous for tourism among tourists†. This takes us to the point that makes Manchester eminent among outsiders is its interminable beauty, untainted environment, and all the facilities that are available at the doorstep. Tourism places are always equipped with wonderful mast erpieces of architectural designs, museums, recreational places, and much more that not only enhance the real beauty of the respective place but attract different people from all parts of the world. As indicated by respondents they perceive that the factors responsible for increasing inclination of individuals towards the development of tourism industry are the never-ending beauty and availability of all the facilities at the threshold. Thus, if we critically analyze this point we can see that the tourism industry in Manchester has undergone a huge development because of its infinite beauty that has always and still is attracting tourists from different parts of the world.
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Faith-Based Social Service Organization Essay Example for Free
Faith-Based Social Service Organization Essay Habitat for Humanity does not give away free homes to anyone. Habitat for Humanity provides housing that families can afford. Every family that receives a home puts in as much work as a volunteer and they contribute 300 to 500 hours of sweat equity on the construction of their home or someone elses home, as their website states. The website states there are a lot of myths about Habitat for Humanity. People assume families receive completely free homes, when in fact this is not true. A lot of hard work goes into building these homes and all of the future home owners put in an equal amount of hard work. Habitat for Humanity receives many donations for a new home and provides the family with an affordable mortgage. Habitat for Humanity states â€Å"Habitat for Humanity offers homeownership opportunities to families who are unable to obtain conventional house financing. Generally, this includes those whose income is 30 to 50 percent of the areas median income. In most cases, prospective Habitat homeowner families make a $500 down payment. †Habitat for Humanity is a Christian based organization, but does not discriminate against religion. Habitat for Humanity provides homes for families of any religion, race, or any other difference. Habitat for Humanity also provides faith in communities and in stows Christian beliefs into families of need. Habitat for Humanity states â€Å"Habitats ministry is based on the conviction that to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, we must love and care for one another. Our love must not be words only it must be true love, which shows itself in action. Habitat provides an opportunity for people to put their faith and love into action. We bring diverse groups of people together to make affordable housing and better communities a reality for everyone. Habitat for Humanity has a strong Christian background; however, they accept anyone that believes in providing help for others. Habitat for Humanity also receives government funding to help families in need of homes. They accept donations from the government, but do not accept donations if it affects their Christian beliefs. Habitat for Humanity states â€Å"Habitat is an independent, nonprofit organization that accepts some government funds and other resources to help provide houses for those in need. We accept these funds as long as they do not limit our ability to demonstrate the love and teachings of Jesus Christ. Additionally, our local affiliates insert specific guidelines as needed to avoid becoming dependent on or controlled by government funds. †I found this statement to show how strongly faith-based this organization is. Habitat for Humanity is a very excellent organization and provides people with much more than just a home. They give families faith in their futures and provide a sense of stability for a family. I believe Habitat for Humanity has volunteers who are knowledgeable about the organization’s beliefs. I believe the lucky families also know about Habitat for Humanity’s beliefs and views of Christianity.
Travel Writers Perspectives on India
Travel Writers Perspectives on India CONCLUSION To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries. Aldous Huxley The quote by Aldous Huxley stands relevant for all the travel writers, and it is not done consciously. While representing another country, the travel writer is actually reproducing his own ideas and perspective through series of events and encounters. These ideas can no way be separated from presumptions and prejudices. However, the travel writer does not every time tend to exhibit his prejudices but human psychology is not created over a year or so, but the ideologies are set in a course of centuries. These ideologies works as a steering force for the traveller. At the time of imperialism, India was represented by English authors with a need of authenticating their rule; moreover, it was the representation of ruled by the ruler. Hence, the early English travel writings exhibit conscious reproduction of the prejudices. With the change of time, India ceased to be the imperial colony and so ceases the need of deliberately contesting and detesting, everything and anything present in Ind ian society and Indian culture. Though, the travel writings witnessed a shift, still, India was represented under a guided rule of ‘imperial nostalgia’. English society kept on looking at the subcontinent through imperial eyes. The separate identity of India was never set up. By the time the travellers moved in 21st century, things changed drastically, there was an upheaval in critical theories and economies of all the countries. This changed the travellers’ outlook towards the british colonies. The travellers could now be divided into two categories; one is that of historians and anthropologists, the other is that of creative writers. William Dalyrymple, can be put in the first category, and this category viewed India not only through their perspective but through the well researched facts and events. Dalyrymple witnesses India as the history buried in ruins and his travel writings showcase his attitude of making sense of present in the light of past through rui ns. The second category caters to their needs of creative writings, they present India through the series of stories, and the authenticity of these stories can always be contested. Both Naipaul and Theroux come under this category and both of them present India through series of stories either encountered by them while travelling or told to them by the natives. None of their narratives produce the proof any authentication to the details as actual encounters or the concocted story to give life to some effect. Moreover, the traveller is always aware of his ideas and the theme of his writing; he is well acquainted with the writing to come, and the narrative to construct. This somehow encourages the traveller to look for, and gather the events and encounters under the heading of one general truth. It is unquestionable fact that the travel writer’s vision is already objective. He is well aware about the story and the effect his book is going to produce and in taking up one goal or theme for the work, he obviously take care of so many things like the market and readers, and his stories, events and encounters are centralized to produce a book for his market. Therefore, much of the travel books ends up making a countable encounters and affects, the clichà ©s of their book. It is always that the projected narrative structures the very process of his travelling and not the vice versa. However, it cannot be denied that the narrative produced by the travel writer is not merely the representation by the author of his encounters but the writer himself is very much available throughout the narrative. It becomes his representation also, his personality, his tastes and ideologies could be seen through his travel narratives. For instance, Darlymple’s references to various literary and non – literary sources prove him as a â€Å"New Historicist†who intentionally chases the principles of ‘New Historicism†, a theory initiated by Stephen Gr eenblatt. Darlymple’s narrative skills demonstrate him as an exact delegate of new critical theory. Though he plays a dual role in exposing British towards Indians, he tries to bring the real history at every touch. It appears as if he believes that a striking event or anecdote has the effect of arousing skepticism about grand historical narratives or essentializing descriptions of a historical period. So he has taken into consideration countless views without neglecting any micro details. He tries to comprehend the present in the rocks and records of past. His simplicity at confering both the physical temporal spaces of the capital of India makes him an ideal guide to its past and present. Concisely, one can attribute him as the true follower of the concept of ‘New Historicism’ with no second thoughts. It is through colonial nostalgia that western travel writers of the postcolonial era perpetuate the colonial ideology of British benevolence and superiority. Though British Empire has retreated from its former colonies since long, the stereotypical and derogatory representation of India in Western travel writings still exist. Although contemporary travel writers attempt to undermine the colonial discourse, they cannot help adopting a superior approach while describing their former colonies and people. This can be prominently seen in the travel narratives of V.S Naipaul and Paul Theroux. William Dalrymple, whose account is delightful narration of Indian history through the ruins of monuments and Indian tradition, his writings on India are no exception to it. He presents hijras as ruins of historical eunuchs in City of Djinns. Through this, Dalyrymple could be seen representing the country as exotic and technologically backward to that of European countries. He claims that, â€Å"Yet today eunuchs have apparently died out everywhere except in the subcontinent†¦ In all there are thought to be some three-quarters of a million of them are surviving†(Djinns 170) presents the country as unchanging and mysterious despite globalization. He narrates the story of Indian backwardness and European advancements in technology through his unconscious comparison; he quotes such eunuchs â€Å".have full sex change. But in India the technology for this does not exist†(Djinns 180). Such representations reflect the ideology where West is viewed as innovative, modernized, followed and superior to the East and this western consumerism is seen as a weakness of the non-western people. This establishes a fact that no one can totally snap out the relation with his past. Countries are travelled, interpreted and represented through the comparisons with more powerful and this immediately puts the weaker country at a place of neglect and ignorance. This however, does not mean that the representations are always wrong or myths. The biggest reality and hard luck of the subcontinent is the faulty Indian bureaucracy and the administration, this finds high ranking in the list of negatives in all the travel writings about India. The travellers could see the faults more prominently than any development or the fight for identity by the Indian subcontinent, could be explained through the following quote. The profound hypocrisy and inherent barbarism of bourgeois civilization lies unveiled before our eyes, turning from its home, where it assumes respectable forms, to the colonies, where it goes naked. Did they not, in India, to borrow an expression of that great robber, Lord Clive himself, resort to atrocious extortion, when simple corruption could not keep pace with their rapacity? While they prated in Europe about the inviolable sanctity of the national debt, did they not confiscate in India the dividends of the rajahs, who had invested their private savings in the Company’s own funds? While they combated the French revolution under the pretext of defending â€Å"our holy religion,†did they not forbid, at the same time, Christianity to be propagated in India, and did they not, in order to make money out of the pilgrims streaming to the temples of Orissa and Bengal, take up the trade in the murder and prostitution perpetrated in the temple of the Juggernaut? These are the men of â€Å"Property, Order, Family, and Religion.†Karl Marx, The New-York Daily Tribune. 22 July, 1853 The hypocrisy of west has been an important part of their rhetoric. It is through this hypocrisy that they have succeeded in establishing an ideal face back home while being atrocious and ignorant about the rest of the world. They have established themselves as superiors and the role has now transformed with time from that of rulers to the helpers still maintain the supremacy and travel narratives has ever played a vital role in doing that. No doubt with time the prejudiced side of the travel writers has eventually faded out giving birth to new unbiased travel writers like William Dalyrymple but still the imperial nostalgia could be sensed guiding their writings. The problem actually does not lie in the representations but the tag of non-fiction given to them, a reader immediately tends to consider the narrative as something which has actually happened with the authors and thus the book becomes an authentic representation of the visited society by a person of high intellect and the f irst hand experiences. The reader starts looking at the narrative as the fact file about the place. This is evident in the travel narratives about India, all the three writers’ repeat almost similar events and problems in the country hence emblematising them for the nation. Failure of beauracracy, traffic rules, might is right, VVIP system everything is given a due importance in the representations. However, not everyone has encountered these problems, Theroux has seen India through the window of train and on the platforms and there only he starts comparing the caste division in Indian society with the class system in trains. All the three writers can be seen witnessing what actually they wanted to see. William Dalyrymple, being a historian sees history everywhere in Delhi and he turns up as an admirer of the city as he goes into depth of the roots of the city. Despite of the fact that all three represents almost the same scenarios but the show amplified gap between the persp ectives and the observations made by a historian, which is William Dalyrymple, an Indian Diasporic writer, V.S. Naipaul and a western writer, Paul Theroux. India is seen through different perspectives by different authors, hence represented differently. Their exist a between cultural translations and the representational fallacies of contact zones. Cultural translations are done while writing a travel narrative and the motive behind them is the key to understand these fallacies which may be understood as misrepresentations or missed representations. It is true that certain factors about the nation can be so generalized by the natives that they go un-noticed by them but are immediately caught by the foreign observer. However, this is to be understood that there are certain factors which are missed by these travellers also, reason may be any. Dalyrymple’s books City of Djinns and The Age of Kali both mentions the problems he has faced while living in India, as a developing country. The problems range from water, electricity, traffic jams to hassles at the passport office, but his books does not concentrate only on these problems. Along with this he unfailingly states about the prospects in this country, he talks about the rich history whereas, Naipaul states it as a country without any history. Theroux rely on his own western knowledge about the subcontinent imbibed by him through books and friends like Naipaul. This becomes an evident truth when Theroux fails to touch even the edges of his detailed studies. Dalrymple agrees that there will always be certain things which he as a writer will not be able to understand but then his curiosity to understand them makes him even a keener observer of his surroundings and a sharp researcher. William Dalyrymple visited India when he was very young in January 1984 and since then, never left India rather he is reluctant to live anywhere else. In an interview he said, â€Å"I’ve never looked back†¦ never really left India,’’ and that, â€Å"I am obsessed with the country and just cannot think of living anywhere else,’’ The India which seems to be a place of degradation to Naipaul and vulnerable place for westerner to Paul, for Dakyrymple, it has been a country rich of past and enthusiastic towards future. He said , â€Å"Living in India has been so enriching. If I had maybe five more lives I’d want to live in India and I’d find more and more stories to write about.’’ No, there are millions of Indias. Everybody has their own India and I think it’s a nonsense construction, â€Å"a real India†. The real India might be the India of the villages and certainly there’s a lot to be said of the fact that India’s heart lies in its villages.interview These lines spoken by Dalyrymple in an interview provides the conclusion, that India is such a vast country, with huge diversity that it would be nonsense to state that one person knows everything about the subcontinent. Despite of regular and untiring researches, still something somewhere will always be left worth mentioning. Moreover, the truth of one generation has to become a myth for the next generation and due to this, the travel writings can never be considered authentic for long period of time. Thus, Travel books start losing their authenticity with time, most trustworthy account will turn as a lie or at least will appear as biased representation. All the three writers, detest their own observations on their re-arrival in the subcontinent. Though they give the name of development or change to it, still it points out to the fact that no representation can ever be said ‘true’ or ‘fact’. Moreover, the fictitious character of these non-fictions is define d by these authors themselves. â€Å"Travel writing is the lowest form of literary self-indulgence: dishonest complaining, creative mendacity, pointless heroics, and chronic posturing, much of it distorted with Munchausen syndrome†(Ghost Train to the Eastern Star 1) As far as India is concerned, all the three writers represent it according to their need and necessity, V.S. Naipaul’s quest of finding his ties with the subcontinent and finally declaring himself, the man of nation, owing to his alienness to the place, Theroux observations through the window of trains, platforms and railway bazaars, and Dalytymple’s insight in the history of mughal India through its ruins and the colonial nostalgia, could be seen clearly through their works. The development of the subcontinent holds different meaning, therefore different representation for all of them, Naipaul see it as degradation, as the end of Gandhian India, Theroux see it as mimicry of west and Naipaul finds it as change of historical era, with history turning into ruins and new face of India, ignorant of the history, coming forward. All the three authors see India according to their own perspectives which definitely are guided by their cultural, national and scholarly background. None of them could see the subcontinent in isolation, hence unbiased. India has sometimes represented, sometimes misrepresented and majority of the time, it is the victim of missed representations. Things are missed due to either lack of research, over generalisation of the facts and sometimes the traveller could not see some facts ordinarily available around, due to his intensive comparison of the subcontinent to the west. Through these travel writings India has undergone a process of emblematization , certain features have been made the emblem for India like poverty, squatters, filth, dirt and corruption. It is not to say that these things are not present but the argument is there are certain other things too that need a mention. The details about India represented in these narratives were the result of previously chalked out plan of travelling and representing. Each writer has represented exactly what they had decided to represent and this has been demonstrated through the analy sis of the texts and titles. India has been translated by the authors and not represented; no country can ever be represented as there are numerous interfering forces which can never allow the representation to be unbiased and accurate. Thus, the narratives are translation as they provide actual translation of whatever is understood by them, word to word, event to event, with no reference to the past and present of the events. They see waters in temples stagnating and they translate this fact as observed by them without even considering the reasons for the stagnation when the sanctity still holds. If it would have been a representation, it would have been a bigger project of finding the roots for this massive shift, from sanctity to stagnation. However, whatever is produced by them has to be taken as true account, â€Å"As Greenblatt reminds us, the eyewitness, real or not, functions rhetorical strategy to persuade the reader of the â€Å"authenticity†of what is reported†(Holland and Huggan 16). Through the reading of these texts one thing that comes as a prominent feature of the study, that there actually are no contact zones available, yes there can be domination zones but the idea of contact zones is itself a myth. The representation fallacies of these contact zones argue for the tag of nonfiction to be changed. India appears to be a country of shift and transformation, though the transformation according to Naipaul and Theroux is much of the mimicry of west. Still all the three authors authenticate the development, positive or negative, through their observations and translations. The conclusion of the study can be demonstrated through the figure below: Each of the author exhibits the high prejudiced approach towards the country but to elaborative affect of their previous knowledge about the subcontinent and over the course of time, when the number of visits increases this interference of their previous knowledge is reduced due to their own personal observations and this reaches a threshold after which the perspective of historian is developed. William Dalyrymple could develop a broader perspective and could see a lot which remains unrecognised by Naipaul and Theroux, owes a lot to his scholarly background of being a historian. One or two visits can never be sufficient for understanding the culture and tradition of any country. It requires an intensive acquaintance with the dynamics of myths and lores of the nation to witness and reproduce the society of one country. The present can never exist in isolation; it is always guided by the past, the belief, religions, lores and the tradition. To understand, the present one need to unders tand the past and the complete architectonics of the forming forces of the past, this does not only include the major personalities and societies but the small tribes and the people who otherwise seem to be unimportant. There exist a relation between visits and prejudices and this relation is inversely proportional. Therefore, scribbling on the paper whatever is seen can no way be authentic representation, as few months of stay in any country cannot be sufficient in reaching the threshold. This point towards the major fault of translations and that is, these translations are made after giving an ariel view to the people and their society. Representations, somehow needs much extensive and intensive digging of the past for making sense of present.
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